Saturday 11 February 2006

My Friend's Accident

I was all set to post on something else today, and then I got a letter this afternoon from the wife of a very good friend of mine from my exchange student days. I won't tell you his name, out of respect for his privacy, but I will tell you this: he is one of the most bighearted people I know, a real gem of a man, athletic, smart, tender and not afraid to show it. And he just had a severe spinal injury.

I don't know what his exact prognosis is, since I just got the letter from his wife. With all that is going on, she took time out of her schedule to let people know what was going on. She is as bighearted as he is. And I just can't believe it.

You see, I am 38, nearly 39 now. That's old enough feel mortal but young enough to still believe the Big Day is a long way off. And here is this powerfully athletic dude, a former military officer who pretty much excelled any sport, and he gets struck down in an instant. Just like that. In a freak accident while on vacation. I sure hope he recovers.

A number of my posts on this blog have to do with following your heart and finding meaning in your career and life. An event like this drives home the message more powerfully than any other example I can think of. Here is a guy I admire and respect, someone I learned a lot from through friendship. Someone I love. And here he is, reminding me again of how important it is to be true to yourself, since you never know what life may bring.

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