Saturday 24 March 2007

Race for the Top

There is a promising new article at The Gazzette about law student / law firm recruiting.

"A thousand or so ambitious law graduates. Two dozen big law firms. A couple of hundred high-paying jobs.

These are the vital statistics for an annual event now under way - the race for a place at one of Montreal's top law offices."

Apparently it is a multi-part article, with subsequent columns coming out looking at the recruiting madness that occurs in Quebec each year, with students trying to find jobs, and then law firms trying to attract the cream of the crop.

"In stories this week and next, we look at the dance from both sides. This week it's from the students' perspective: what it takes to make the right impression on a law firm, and the risks and rewards - to the ego, report card and wallet - that participating in the recruitment process presents.

Next week, the tables turn as the firms compete for the best and brightest students to make their recruitment spending pay off. At whose office will they choose to spend their 70-hour weeks?"

I'll provide updates when the new articles appear. I am really interested to see what they say.

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