Monday 11 June 2007

Fun Summer Reading Online

Summer is (or at least it should be) a time to play outdoors, travel, and catch up on reading. So with that latter point in mind, today's post is about one of my new favorite law-related blogs, as well as another one I previously recommended that continues to provide insight and entertainment.

Law and Letters. This blog by aspiring law prof "Belle Lettre" is simply great fun to read, and insightful too. Not to mention the graphic design, which is another strong element. This aspiring law prof seems destined for a tenure-track position (I am in your corner, Belle); if so, I will be interested to see what happens with your blog.

For a fun post, check out her June 7, 2007 post entitled "Things I Won't Ever Blog About." She compares law school to the TV show Gilligan's Island, which is both a hoot and a shrewd observation.

Baby Barista. Very, very funny, and very, very British. It's the ongoing diary of a fictional pupil barrister. It features recurring characters and plotlines, so it's hard for me to recommend a single post. Just check it out and start scrolling down.

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