Monday 3 December 2007

Alternative Careers (nevermind legal)

I have been asked quite a few times about alternative legal careers. However, today, I came across a fairly long-running thread on that asks the question, what would you be if you were not a lawyer. A great question! Most of the posts are nonsense, of course, but I think it is a question worth asking yourself if you are anywhere in the midst of becoming or acting as a lawyer.

In asking myself this question, I came up with the following list in order of most desirable at the top:

1. Professional writer - photographer;
2. Property Developer and Renovator;
3. Law professor;
4. English professor;
5. Publisher;
6. Librarian

That was a fun exercise, and provided for at least some loosening of the career strings. Please post your alternative careers here (no nonsense please - only legitimate careers). Thanks!

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