Thursday 14 September 2006

A month of pure growth

It's been almost a month since I posted last, and I won't apologize. I've been busy! Starting up 3 law offices, straight out of my article year has been a challenge, let me tell you. A quick synopsis:

  • I purchased a historical building in the small town where I live. I gutted it, renovated it, installed 4 offices, a reception area and a boardroom. I have rented out two of the offices to strategic tenants.
  • We renovated a leased space in another city where we have our main office. We redid a bunch of walls, the carpets, doors, paint, etc.
  • I put together endless pieces of furniture! I still have many blisters on my hands from the stupid screwdrivers.
  • I built, along with a designer, our new website
  • I held a grand opening
  • I have been working my *** off, as file after file has been coming in the office located in my town of residence. I am amazed by the instant success of this endeavor, but not so surprised as I should be. Alberta is a booming economy, and the $ have trickled into my town. Real estate is fantastic. I also ran a "will special" for the last month, and have been inundated, both with requests for wills, but lots of referral work as a result of will clients.
  • We are in the process of purchasing another building in the other town where we have an office, renovating it and making it rock!
  • We are in the process of getting the proper staff in our offices (this has proven to be a great challenge, and a real balancing act - I have spent way too much time doing adminstrative work, when I could be concentrating on business development).
I am hoping that life starts to settle down a little bit, so that I can give this project (Law Eh? and my book) the attention that it deserves. Thanks for all the kind comments and book reviews. I really appreciate the support. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any and all questions about applying for, succeeding in, and moving beyond Canadian Law School. Be sure to check out the archives of this site for lots of Canadian law school resources, along with The Canadian Law School Experience, my other blawg.

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