Tuesday 15 July 2008

Leaving the Law

A few of my friends and associates have already left law as a career. Most of them aren't sure if they will ever come back. That got me to thinking, what would I do if I wasn't practicing law. It is a difficult thought, now that I am deep into a personal legal practice. The idea of throwing away those three years of law school, that year of articling, that year of preparing for law school. Many, that would be hard. But, there are those out there who are desperate to get out of this career. Believe me, it is not for everyone. Here are some resources that I have recently come across:

1. www.leavingthelaw.com. "You can find meaningful, engaging work outside of the law and make a good living. Together we help you discover the alternative career you were meant to have and make your career transition with joy and ease.

A former miserable practicing lawyer, I’ve developed a variety of unique products and services that empower you to find fulfilling work.

Become someone you never thought you could be—a lawyer who looks forward to going to work."

2. The Unhappy Lawyer: A Roadmap to Finding Meaningful Work Outside of the Law (Paperback) by Monica Parker (Author)

3. Running from the Law: Why Good Lawyers Are Getting Out of the Legal Profession (Paperback) by Deborah Arron (Author)

4. What Can You Do With a Law Degree?: A Lawyer's Guide to Career Alternatives Inside, Outside & Around the Law (Paperback) by Deborah Arron (Author)

5. Nonlegal Careers for Lawyers, Fifth Edition (Paperback) by Gary A. Munneke (Author)

6. Alternative Careers for Lawyers (Princeton Review Series) (Paperback) by Hillary Mantis (Author)

7. Beyond L.A. Law: Inspiring Stories of People Who've Done Fascinating Things with a Law Degree (Paperback) by National Association for Law Placement (Author)

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