Sunday 8 January 2012

Law School Starts Up Again Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is my first day of law school for 2012!  I know it's hard to read sarcasm on the internet, but the truth is, I am not really excited.  Actually, I am kind of nervous.  Another semester of hoping I am not called on and wondering "will I find a job?" 

I was out and about today and I thought to myself, back to last semester, at many in my class who thought they were pretty dang intelligent.  Some would talk to the professor and say "the average person may not understand it, but we're law students, so we understand the real world better."  I wanted to laugh, but instead I was watching the clock thinking, "let me the hell out of here." 

You know, people in law school really think they are smart.  Smarter than most.  But I have to say, you are not that smart if you chose to go to law school.  Every day I am reminded of this and think to myself, "what the hell am I doing?"  I have some non-law related plans for after I graduate, just in case (as expected) I do not find a job in law.  And even if I do find a law-related job, who says I will be able to stand it?  Why did I not realize this sooner?

I also have not checked my grades from last semester.  Well, I did a few days ago and they were up, so I told myself I will not check them until I graduate.  I don't know why a law professor needs until after classes start to post grades.  Classes start tomorrow (the 9th) and professors have until the 13th to get grades in.  That is insane.  This was not an issue in undergrad, nor I imagine it is an issue in many other graduate school courses.  Law professors have it so easy compared to the pay they make, one would think they could turn in grades sooner.  So my way of dealing with it is to not play their stupid little game.  I will not check my grades until I graduate.  Of course, I wonder if I even passed all my classes.  My finals were a disaster.  But who cares, right? 

That's my rant.  Again, tomorrow I start school, and I am going to enjoy every second of freedom I have left.

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