Thursday 1 December 2011

My daddy is a lawyer... and my mommy a prostitute!

It's amazing how many people have lawyers for daddies.  I didn't think it would be so common, as after working a couple of internships I ask myself if I really want to do law.  However, there's a ton of people at my school with lawyers for fathers (and mothers).  Now, I imagine not every one of those sons and daughters of lawyers will get a job, but it is kind of scary when I realize I have no lawyers in the family.  I'd be the first, if I become one.

I wonder if schools give a boost to a child who states that his or her parent is a lawyer.  After all, that individual will have a better chance of getting a job most likely, which will boost the school's rating.  I don't know if this has been something that has been researched, but it would be interesting to find out.  Of course, the schools try so hard to not let the students and prospective applicants privy to this information.  However, there's ways of finding things out.  A rogue admissions officer, an evil ex dean, an ex professor who was on the admissions committee gone evil.  These people are hard to find.  Many have offed themselves no doubt.   Others lay low, hoping nobody will ever find out about their sordid past.

I realize that even though a father may be a lawyer, it does not guarantee that student a job.  Daddy may have not the needed power at the firm to allow his son or daughter to suck the firm's teat.  In fact, he may be just a intern himself, having never found a paid gig.  In fact, Daddy may be working pro bono because he never ever was able to find a paid job.  Of course, this will not put food on the family table, so mother picks up a few hours as a prostitute on the side, or pole dances, or maybe just does a truck stop lap dance for some extra money.  It pays the bills at least, and there are low barriers to entry.  In fact, one does not need to take out loans, apply for grants, scholarships, or worry that they will be able to pay back Sallie Mae.  In fact, after hours of research I can pretty much say with a 0% margin of error that there are no student loans available for prostitution!  Isn't that great?

Of course, there are things that a working woman may want to buy, such as those platform shoes that guys seem to love, some silky leggings (crotchless: my favorite), or nipple tassels.   I have always, myself, liked to see the nipples, so the tassels would not do it for me, but that's another story.

However, mother could still buy those items, after a bit of work.  One thing that I have learned from undergrad business courses is that some business necessities may come after starting the business and bringing in some money.  Of course, it's hard to start a law firm with $200k of debt, so maybe mother could use her earnings to become a venture capitalist.

Of course, I don't know of anyone who would bring up such an idea to their mother.  I can imagine the looks of horror on her face, and her voice growing low, with father breathing into the other phone line, hoping nobody can hear him listening in, as mother says: "don't all lawyers make $100,000 a year minimum?  Your law school packet they sent states that 98% of students get jobs, and the average is $160,000."

Of course, father is still breathing like crazy in the opposite line, wanting to...

You know what, I think I've said enough.

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