Friday 16 March 2012

My Downward Spiral

Back when I was in high school I used to fall asleep to the sounds of Nine Inch Nail's album "The Downward Spiral".  It is probably NIN's finest work (tied in my opinion with the two disc set that has the song The Nothing, on it.

Anyway, I want to share my Law School Downward Spiral with you all.

I tear you down I use you up.  Mr. Self Destruct....
This semester I have trudged by, wondering what will be the reality of my life after law school.  Some days, let me tell you, I am drowning in deep depression.  The law school world can be a terrifying place.  The legal economy is literally falling apart at record speeds.  University of Nebraska School of Law's Space Program will not provide solace for us.  We can not hope to escape it.

Anyway, at the beginning of the last semester, things looked so promising.  I got a mentor who has a very impressive background.  I had a legal internship (the wall scrubbing gig I wrote about), and was feeling very good about myself.  Well, I quit the scrubbing job, which made it so I did not want to talk to the mentor.  I was afraid she would not be impressed, so I stopped replying to her e-mails.  It is sad too, because I thought that she could help me out.  But now, fast forward about 4 months later, I want to talk to her, but am terrified to.  And now, I sit here, wondering why I should study?  Why should I rip myself apart with the knowledge that NO MATTER WHAT I DO, I will NOT find a legal job.  It is so disheartening.

The ABA does not care though.  They continue to accredit schools left and right.  Space Law programs keep popping up like STDS.  Animal Law, while admiral, is, sadly, useless for the masses.  I wonder if I am too early.  MMORPG law would have really been my true calling.  Diablo III is out this May.  Perhaps I am lucky that it comes out after finals.  Then again, during finals all I will be thinking about is how much I wish I could play Diablo III........

You tear me down you use me up.  Mr. Self Destruct...

I should have went to University of Nebraska.  The only space law program in the country.  I should have blasted off one day into space.  NASA's lawyer.  Working with Worf, and Data, commander Chikotay, and Barclay.  Oh, Commander Riker, I wish I could rendezvous in space with you.  

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