Thursday 24 May 2012

Visiting family: The Topic of Law School.

I posted before about how I was nervous to go visit family because everyone would be asking me questions about law or saying how rich I would one day become.  However, having been here for a week, only one person has mentioned it in passing.  In fact, nobody has even asked me about law school nor have they mentioned anything else about it.  In fact, after having been away for two years, it's as if they forgot I even go!  It's kind of strange to be honest, but I can't complain too much about it, even though I wonder why people have not mentioned it.

Perhaps these blogs are doing their part in making people realize that law school is something one does not discuss.  Maybe it is a dark topic, such as how much money one makes a year, or how many STDs one carries with them?

Of course, I still have a week here, and things may change.  However, I highly doubt school will be mentioned at all.  Part of me wondered if it's because I come from a very poor family and some may not like me doing school (first in family to do it, blah blah blah).  Maybe it's because I am not too talkative and have not brought it up myself.

I worried for months that people would ask all sorts of questions or ask for legal advice.  However, that being said, some members of my family are just strange and I don't think that they want to discuss such things.  Sometimes when the news came on here and legal topics were mentioned, or when everyone was watching Perry Mason and Judge Judy, Judge Mathis, etc. I wondered if people would mention law school to me.  But nope, they seem to have actually forgot I go to law school!  Isn't that just the darnedest thing?!

I even had a phone interview for an internship and nobody asked a thing about it (even though I ended up getting scared and not answering the phone -- maybe I'll write more about that later).

There was one person, not a family member, but a person here who I met, and he asked about me going to college, and I said I was going to law school.  Here is how it went down.

Him: So what are you planning on doing?
Me: I go to college right now.
Him: For what?
Me: Law.
Him:  Oh, you're going to be a stinkin' lawyer huh?
Me: I don't know, to be honest.

(Keep in mind this guy is a truck driver, who owns a huge beautiful home on a cliff overlooking a valley and mountains below.  He has his own company and obviously does very well at it.)

Him:  Oh yeah?  Then what are you planning on doing?
Me: Well, I can use my degree to do something else (I felt stupid saying this, even though it is technically possible).  Maybe I'll try to work for a non-profit or a company.
Him:  I see.

One more week and I can get back home and enjoy my summer.  Diablo III is out and I am dying to play it. That is the summer I have ahead of me, and it is going to beat the hell out of any unpaid "Internship/slavery" that everyone else is doing.

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