Sunday 10 June 2012

My School is Raising Tuition Again!

It may not matter too much to me as my school is already quite expensive, but it might matter to those who are just starting law school.  The truth is, however, the school is raising tuition once again.  I got the e-mail the other day, and it said the following:

The administration has worked to keep tuition increases to a minimumthis year.  Rising costs have made some increase unavoidable, but, bycontrolling costs, we have been able to hold the increase to 2.9% for3F, 3P, and 4P students and 3.2% for 2F and 2P students. 
Full-Time2F $49,6303F $49,486 
Part-Time2P $37,2223P $37,1144P $36,758 
Student Fees will increase to $346 for the coming year.
The truth is, this is not gonna be cheap.  And every year it goes up.  My school is not the only school that raises its tuition.  In fact, tuition increases are happening everywhere.  In fact, I would like to see a law school that is not raising its tuition.  That would be a site huh?

One final year and I am done with law school.  Sally Mae will come to my door, in all her splendid glory and ask for her money back.  Only time will tell if I will have any money to give her.

Will I find a legal job?  Will I find a non-legal job?  Will I be working at a decent law firm, at a non-profit, or at a fast food restaurant?  Will I be living back with my parents (which, to be honest, I don't consider an option).  For a person such as myself, the future is very scary.

My school is raising tuition again... Is yours?


I honestly CAN NOT BELIEVE that my school has the AUDACITY to RAISE it's tuition again!  How the H E L L do these people think we can pay this amount.  Is the government this STUPID that they allow schools to keep raising prices.  Are people so stupid that they think that the economy can sustain itself on people taking out HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars in student loans.  Where is all this money coming from?  Do these idiots honestly think that everyone is going to be able to pay it back in this economy?  I don't understand it.  How can people just sit by and watch this happen.  It's like the housing bubble all over again -- yet I think this is going to be worse.  Much worse.  I think that it's going to implode and I wonder where the economy is going to be.

This is the BABY BOOMERS LAST STAND.  One final way to screw us over before they finally leave this planet.  GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH!!!!!!!

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