Thursday 28 June 2012

Law school graduation's a comin' (class of 2013)

Graduation has long been a proud time for every person and every family.  College graduation has always been a big shindiggle in which families would get together one one would feel 'mighty proud' about their accomplishments.  Graduation is a milestone.  A time to look back at the challenges one has endured and see that they got past those challenges.  Graduation.  Mine will happen in 2013.  I imagine a big auditorium.  Perhaps something grand.  I picture hundreds of people all dressed in purple and black robes walking down and picking up their diplomas.  I picture it hot.  We're all sweaty and excited.  The room smells of perfume and dripping deodorant.  There is the dean, sitting up in front with a few of the distinguished professors to his side.  The audience is loud but is not quieting down.  I would be shaking now, if I had went. 

Instead I am at home.  Law school is done.  I will probably not go for an LLM.  OK, I obviously will not go for an LLM.  Instead, I will be trying to ignore everyone who may be 'congratulating' me.  Some may not (my mother, for instance, forgot I was going to law school).  That's fine.  I would rather have it that way.  If my whole family forgot that would be interesting.  I never invited anyone to my undergraduate graduation, nor did I go to that.  I am sure many will be upset that I am not going to my law school graduation.  That's fine.  Some things in life require a person being upset over.  Life is not all candy canes and marshmallows.  They will just have to be upset.

That being said, I am not looking forward to my graduation.  It is no longer a time to celebrate.  What should I be celebrating?  A lack of jobs?  Having to find something in which I can earn money?  The loans that I have to now pay back?  Instead, I am considering looking for jobs elsewhere.  The military may still take me.  If not, there's plenty of work overseas.  I could maybe join the Peace Corps.  Of course, all of this I could have done without a law degree.  I imagine I will just enlist with the military.  No officer position.  I considered JAG, but I hear that's crazy-hard to get into now.  I could try to sell car insurance in Mexico.  I have always liked it down there to be honest, and I know that they have different insurance rules.  Having a law degree may help me understand those rules better.  Of course I would have to aprendar español.  Solo un poco ahora. 

What to do, what to do?  I can not help wondering what the other graduates of the class of 2013 are going to do?  What is the class of 2012 doing?  Looking for work, but what about the creative ones who realize that law isn't their cup of tea?  Am I the only one? 

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