Tuesday 3 July 2012

Independence Day

I am sitting alone in the living room.  The apartment is dark.  The blinds are down, because it is hot.  I find my mind wandering.  I recently interviewed for a fall position at local clinic.  I can't help but wonder, "will I get the position?" 

There are many qualified applicants.  Why would they choose me?  What do I have to offer?  After all, I am not working this summer.  At the same time, I realize that if I don't push myself forward, I will always remain behind.  I do not want to be the kind of law graduate that wallows in self pity because he had trouble finding a job, could not find a job, or had dreams of a large salary.  Instead, I want to do what I can while I am in school, see how well I can do, and make it into something worthwhile. 

Tomorrow is Independence Day in the United States.  July 4th.  For some reason they decided to have it on a Wednesday this year.  There will be fireworks bursting in the air and all sorts of revelry.  I am sure the lawyers will still be working, even if the court houses are closed.  I wonder if I get a job in the legal field after law school, will I be working on July 4th? 

Back in the day I used to go with my family to a place where two rivers met.  It was out in the country.  They had fireworks there, but always did it on the weekend.  A casino put it on.  It was up by an Indian reservation on the west coast.  I always liked going there.  It was nice.  We'd have a picnic, hike to see some ruins, and relax by the water.  It was generally hot out.  Back then I had a lot of grand ideas for my future.  I did not imagine that I would be a lawyer.  Instead, I thought I may one day have my own business or something.  Maybe I'd go into a field that had very little competition, such as Celtic Studies. 

I have not been to the place where the two rivers meet to see the fireworks in many years now.  I wish I could go back to those days and revel in them.  Sometimes we imagine ourselves as doing something and those things turn out just the opposite.  Sometimes we day dream about the future when it's the past that we end up longing for. 

I hope everyone has a nice 4th of July, even if it is on a Wednesday this year.

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