Wednesday 25 July 2012

Law School and Mists of Pandaria

Well, today they announced something that I have been waiting a while to find out.  The release date to the latest expansion to World of Warcraft!  I am stoked.  While I have beta access, due to my subscription to the annual pass, I have not taken advantage of playing it much (part of the blame belonging to Diablo III).  I started a monk but thought I would rather wait and see the finished product.  Well, it happens to be that the finished product comes out on a Tuesday (which I knew), and that Tuesday is when I have law school classes.  

What is a 3L to do?  I remember Cataclysm came out when I was a fresh faced 1L and I ignored it as best as I could.  While I was stoked about Cataclysm, I rarely took advantage of raiding (except for the Raid Finder in which I downed that jerk of a dragon, Deathwing).  Further, I was gung-ho about law school and wanted to do my ultra-very-best. 

So here I am, on the verge of a new expansion and wondering what expansion-ready toon I want to play.  Is it my gnome mage, my undead mage (sadly I have 2 of these), my worgen mage, my undead warlock, my undead priest, or my troll druid?  And since I will be busy with my last year of law school and the job hunting that goes with it, I won't have time to have multiple toons.  Further, I doubt I will do too much raiding in this expansion.

That being said, I am excited to see this new expansion.  I am sure I am not the only one of my readers who indulges in the nerdyness of World of Warcraft.  In fact, someone else has to be pretty stoked at seeing the graphic above.  And it's a nice break from law school.  In fact, that's one thing I have always loved about WoW -- the fact that it lets me forget about the stupidity of everyday life.  It's kind of an escape, but one that lets me think about something new, even if it is silly. 

I guess the question is: is it bad I'm thinking about skipping class to play this game on Tuesday September 25th?

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