Wednesday 25 July 2012

Mantras for Job Hunters/I got a date!!!!

This is a double feature post.  First, I would like to talk about something that I saw on Apple's App store.  It was this program that had to do with "Mantras for job hunters".  I guess the thing is that you use these words to find a job.  A mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation".   I am sure some of you have heard of things such as "creative visualization" and the like.  For many, who are desperate to get jobs, this may be something that helps you find it.  That being said, I am very leery of this kind of thing, but whatever floats your boat.

Anyway, on that topic, I thought it would be fun to create some mantras for law school grads who are seeking jobs.  Keep in mind that many of these are just for fun.  Repeat until you believe it.

Mantras for Law School Graduates

"I am worthy of a long term position"
"My resume is polished"
"I am turning my low law school rank into a high ranking job"
"The time for me to enter the workforce is now"
"A humble man like me can be a powerhouse of industry"
"I am ready for a phone interview"
"I am turning my tier 4 JD into a tier 1 job"
"I will not let anything hold me back from success"
"My family will see me as a success"
"I never failed, I was only set back"
"Today is the day to start my real job search"
"Those spelling mistakes on my resume were only a set back"
"Mother will be proud"
"I am ready to begin my trek to become partner"
"I will not allow the Cooley name to stain me"
"I am branded for success"
"I will prove my elementary teachers right: I am special"
"I am about to be where I belong"
"Next year at this time I will be in the corner office"
"I can order this pizza tonight because I will have a job before the check goes to the bank"
"I will not allow failure to define me.  I am ready for success"
"If placed in a room of three interviewees, the others with HYS JDs, I will shine"
"I have sharpened my mind through law school and now it is time to make the cut"
"I will find a job, dang it, I will"  (begin crying here)

Although some of these were less serious than others, the truth is, sometimes getting yourself to believe something can be beneficial.  If you lament daily that you are worthless or that you will never find a job, you won't.  It's as simple as that.  You do start to believe what you tell yourself.  Now, I don't believe that these mantras have any magic.  But I think that people do hold themselves back with their thoughts.  Thoughts turn into actions.  If you don't believe you will find a job, chances are you won't look, or if you do, your beliefs will show during your interview.  Further, some people self-sabotage themselves because they are scared of some type of success.  It may change your identity or who you think you are.  Many are comfortable with who they are, even if they are not happy.  Much of life is a result of how you think and act. 

Part II:  I got a date!!!!!!
Earlier I posted advice about dating while in law school.  Well, I am going to go on a date in a few days, and I am rather excited.  I have not dated in a long time, and I don't consider myself to be that great at it.  That being said, I think we are going to do the dinner and a movie thing, maybe walk through a park (maybe the High Line in Manhattan) and get some ice cream.  I am thinking Indian sounds good and as far as the movie, something like Batman.  She says she likes Sci-Fi stuff, and even mentioned that she likes Dr. Who (which, to be honest, I am not a huge fan of). 

How did I meet this woman you ask?  Well, I met her online and she seems very sweet.  I am not much of a 'people person' and since most of my 'social life' takes place around the confines of a deep dark and dank law school, I figured that getting out into the sun, which I am usually not a friend to (I like the cool fog and the cloudy morns myself), would be beneficial.  In fact, I am really really excited for this date, as I said.

I have mentioned to this girl that I am a law student, and she did not say much one way or the other, but had some questions about how I liked it and all that.  I am sure we will talk about it.  She's a student too, but undergraduate still.  I don't think she has any interest in going to law school herself, so that's a really good thing.

I don't want to get too excited yet, as I have not actually met her in person, but I have talked to her quite a bit.  She's kind of strange like myself.  She doesn't seem too obsessive about making a lot of money or that kind of thing. 

Anyway, I really hope this works out.  I never thought about having a bona fide girlfriend throughout law school.  It would probably affect my studies, but at the same time, it would make me have something to focus on other than books, books, and the professors scalding looks.

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