Friday 17 August 2012

Dead Man Walkin'

Well, to my surprise, I realized that classes begin on Monday.  I was sitting around, doing nothing, and then it hit me.  I checked the calendar, and I will be marching into my first class on Monday evening.  I have less classes this semester due to doing an internship for credit. 

I don't know what to say about it all, to be honest.  I keep thinking about the debt, and about the job prospects.  Heck, I've been reading a lot about doc review lately.  I have also been considering other options, Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, United Nations, teaching English abroad, starting my own business, hanging a shingle, running, feigning insanity.  There's so much going through my mind right now.  I am set to get my loans dispersed soon.  The $$$ will sustain me for the year.  But then what?  What then?



The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf?

Bob's Coffee Shop?

Seattle's Worst Coffee?

Should I apply to the police?  Airport security?  Baggage check?  Should I become a big time plumber?  Should I be the next Pennywise drummer? 

I will be walking into my law building in a matter of hours now.  I hope to remember my locker combination.  Will my grades make me an abomination?

This is truly the death march.  When I walk into school I am going to be repeating in my head:

Dead man walkin'.

Dead man walkin'.

I will make the following people proud of me for being the first in the family to graduate law school:

Sister 1
Sister 2
Sister 3
Brother 1
Grandmother 1
Grandmother 2
Dean of Law School
Future Employer(s)
Sallie Mae

In under a year I will be sitting here, looking back on the last three years.  Only then will I know if this was a mistake or not.


I.M. Terrified

P.S. I will try Sallie.  I will try to pay you down!


A poem I made, called Sallie Mae

The kids, into the garden, go to play
not realizing their souls will one day belong to
Sallie Mae

The cries of their elders gray
in torment screaming, pleading
don't sell your soul to
Sallie Mae

There will be so much for you to pay
when you enter school to learn what you owe
after you enlarge your brain on the dime of
Sallie Mae

I will end my life before I let my life end.
I will end my life before I let my life end.

Sallie Mae!  Sallie Mae! 

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