Sunday 5 August 2012

You shoulda been a.... Teacher!

When people think about what they want to do after college, two things often come to mind.  The first is get married, the second is have kids.  Well, as a lawyer the idea of kids may mean baby goats if you head out to Nebraska to represent farmers in cow tippin' court.

Another way in which you could have got some time with children is by being a teacher.  Not only that, but you would even have time (and money) to make some of your own.  The truth is, many lawyers eventually become teachers, but with enough debt carried over to create a tumor.  Why not just consider teaching from the get go and save yourself the hassle (and debt)?

Not everything is wonderful about being a teacher.  For example, not everyone likes kids, and high school students can be rough.  There are people in this world who can not fathom having to hear about Justin Beiber and Twilight all day long, but for $45-50,000 starting salary in some cities, it's not bad.  It sure beats having a law firm partner breathing down your neck.

Then there is that whole summer vacation thing.  Imagine, having some time off every year to spend in whatever location you so desire.  I didn't do too well in my tax class, but there might be a way to write off the vacation if you went to gather information for the classroom (I'm probably wrong). 

The cost of being a teacher is a lot lower than going to law school.  There is a teach grant which gives an undergraduate and graduate student a decent chunk of change to teach in a high need area for a few years.  Further, you can start teaching right out of undergrad in some states.  That means while you are graduate school you can work full time AND go to college.  Imagine pulling in a full time income, going to class part time AND getting a grant on top of it.  Doesn't seem too bad. 

Teacher: What a great summer, I just got back from paradise and I am ready to start work again.
Lawyer: Paradise? Summer?  I forgot what those words mean.
Teacher: You mean you did not get a vacation?  I got at least two months off!
Lawyer:  I got to drive to Jersey to pick up a client.  Does that count?

You may be thinking that being a teacher sounds dumb.  It's no where as prestigious as BigLaw.  Well, I have news for you, prestige is overrated.  So what, you'll miss out on getting your shoes shined every day.  Teachers generally enjoy a high position in their communities.  If you want to live in a small town, you can really make a name for yourself as a teacher.  Teachers are almost like demigods in small towns.  Especially the ones that coach on the side.  Of course, some teachers struggle.  There is no profession that is free of people who don't do well, but every school needs teachers.  Face it, people are having kids and someone has to teach them.  And there is no sign of high school and elementary teaching being outsourced any time soon

But I hate kids

You hate kids huh?  Well, you might realize that some of your clients may act like children or worse.  Are you prepared to get a phone call at 3:00AM from an angry spouse telling you all about what his husband/her wife did?  Some people hate kids, others hate to work, but you are going to have to do the latter in order to make money unless you are connected or have the winning lottery ticket in your back pocket. 

My friend was a teacher and she hated it. 

My friend hates Brussels Sprouts, does that mean I should have never tried them?  I'm glad I did try them, because I actually really like them.  My cats hate getting a bath, but I enjoy it.  Just because someone hates something, does that mean you will?  Do you like the idea of $150,000 debt?  How about a job where you can sit back and read Charolette's Web to a bunch of sleepy 1st graders?  If you go into BigLaw you won't have any time to read anything so "voluminous" on the side.   You'll be lucky if you even get to use the bathroom.

I want to help other people though.  I just gotta be a lawyer!

Yeah, because law is the only profession in which a person can help another.  I forgot, teachers don't do anything of value for society.  They just teach children how to read and write.  Wrong!  A teacher can make a huge difference in many people's lives.  Good teachers are remembered by their students forever.  I have a friend who is 31 who STILL talks about his elementary school teachers on a regular basis.  How many people fondly speak of their lawyer 25 years after having seen them last? 

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