Sunday 24 February 2013

Moving Back In With Parents After Law School

Should I move back into my parents house after college?

Remind you someone you know?

In short, no.
  You should not move back into your parents house after college.  I have always been a firm believer that one should not move back into their parents house after college is over, however, many people think that there is little wrong with it.  I see a few issues with this, and will discuss them in this post.

First, moving back in with parents creates a dependence on them.  Many people move back in and find that they do not want to move out.  It's a lot easier and funner to play video games, surf the internet, and eat your parents' food instead of work for those things yourself.  Many people find it very hard or almost impossible to leave.  Further, there is little to no growth when one moves in with parents instead of getting by themselves.

Getting by can be tough.  After college it is often hard to find a job.  However, there are jobs out there, even if they may seem "beneath" you.  For example, fast food is an option until something better comes along.  Nobody with a college degree likes to hear this, but the satisfaction of starting your own adult life is greater than the depression that you will eventually feel subsisting with your parents month after month.

Some say that certain places are too expensive to live in.  That may be true if you are renting a place yourself.  However, in many of the cities I have lived in (Seattle, San Francisco, New York -- all considered some of the most expensive areas in the country), there are plenty of roommates who are looking for others to split manageable rents.  By moving in with these people and getting early experience in budgeting and spending, you are on your road to understanding how to succeed in life.

I have noticed that many people have no clue how to manage money.  Some people can not say no to buying certain things.  They are used to having everything they wanted while living at home and come out thinking that the world owes them such items.  For example, I see people buying quasi-luxury items such as Gucci shoes, Louis Vuitton purses, and the like constantly.  People feel the need to own the most expensive version of a new phone the day it hits the market.  Such items are placed on credit.  Many people have insane credit card debt because they do not know how to manage money.  I am proud to say that I have $0 credit card debt.  A person should NEVER charge something on a credit card that they can not pay off that same month unless it is a strict necessity or an emergency purchase. 

Of course, many will say that I am wrong.  That is fine.  I moved out when I was 18 years old and have done quite a bit since I graduated high school.  Many of my contemporaries chose to stay at home.  Many of them have not moved on far from the bosom of their parents.  Many still battle financial difficulty to this day.  Moving out has taught me to be self sufficient, something that a great deal of people lack.  Further, I have realized that the world is not that scary of a place.  Have you wondered why so many scambloggers live in constant fear about the world?  Many of them still live at home with their parents and do not know how to cope with life.  Some will not even look for jobs out of their town because they are too scared to live somewhere else. 

A Prime Example of the Danger of Not Starting Your Own Adult Life

One individual actually said "my parents said if I get a job they will charge rent, therefore I do not work."  This individual has a law degree.  Although he says otherwise, reality shows that he has no want whatsoever to do anything with his life.  He is content in living with his parents for the rest of his life and complaining about it.  Complaining -- the hallmark of the law school scamblog movement.   Yet they are secure in their complaining.  They have lived in the bosom of their parents for too long and have no desire to do anything with their lives other than complain on the internet.

As an adult, you have to realize that there is no job beneath you when it comes to surviving.  Almost everyone has to start lower on the totem pole than they realize.  Why is it that the most successful people generally start at the bottom?  Because, very few start out at the middle or top -- even with a law degree (scambloggers DO NOT GET THIS).  Instead, many people see a few examples of a law school graduate making $160,000 right out of law school and expect this themselves.  When they can't get that, they throw a fit and start a blog.  $30,000, $40,000, even $50,000 is not good enough for these people.  Many say that law school does not teach them the things they need to know to practice law, yet they don't want to have to learn it after law school and make $40,000.

In short, I want to say that I truly believe that moving out of the home after school and trying to live and achieve your dreams is the best route in life.  Unless you are somehow sick and can not work at all, there is no reason for an adult who is capable of working to move back in with their parents and subsist.  The adult life, I understand, is very hard for some.  Scambloggers are especially susceptible to being disillusioned and terrified of adulthood.  Maybe it's a result of their upbringing.  Maybe it's a result of being the type of person who never could have succeeded yet paradoxically got into law school.

BREAKING NEWS:  There is a new FORUM that law students, graduates, and those who are interested in learning about the state of the legal economy are welcome to use.  This FORUM is open to everyone, with no need to register.  If you are interested in law school or want to share job strategies, please feel free to post or read any of the material on the forum.  Thank you

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