Sunday 10 February 2013

Who I am.

I often call myself "the world traveling law student."  This is because I have traveled extensively during my educational career.  In all, I have been to Europe twice (Paris, London, Dublin, Venice), Asia (Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Taipei), Central America twice (Panama, Costa Rica), Mexico three times, and all over the United States (over 20 states) and Canada.  I am currently planning a trip to Africa right when I graduate!  I have found that traveling during school makes one really take a moment and think about the world they live in.  It's one thing to learn about the world through classroom lectures, but it's another thing to learn about the world through travel.  Traveling is the ultimate educational experience.  Nothing comes close.

One thing that I have learned in my journeys around the world is that we have it pretty good as law students in the United States.  Paradoxically, I have seen my fair share of complaining amongst law students and graduates.  I find that many of the students and "graduate failures" who complain have not made it very far from where they grew up.  In fact, I have found that many don't really know what they should be thankful for.  When one travels they start to see how good they have it, and to complain all the time about the world is, frankly, kind of selfish and childish.  It says to the world: "I can't think beyond my own self.  I don't understand much about much at all."

I strongly believe that those who did not do anything with their post law school lives are partly to blame.  While they can cast insults towards the schools and deans that somehow dis-serviced them, the reality is that people in this country have a lot of opportunities to do something with their lives.  Many complain that they can not do anything with their degrees and say "if I didn't get a law degree, I would have done (something else)."  Why can't a person do that something else with a law degree?  That's the fallacy that I just can't get past.

I think that many people enjoy complaining and use it as an excuse to sit back and do nothing with their lives.  I have known many people like this, and yes, there are these types of people in law school.  They expect the world to bend over backwards to their whims, and if it does not, there is a fit to be thrown.  In fact, this is something I see all over with many people.  Some people who I have met make it their life goal to live on disability and get government assistance.  Many law graduates have the same type of thought process going on.  They don't want to work for something.  Sure, some sent out a ton of resumes hoping that they would get a job by virtue of e-mailing people.  However, this does not get one a legal job unless that person is quite lucky.  Blindly sending out resumes is not a sure-fire method to get a job.  It requires little work, and things that require little work often end up giving little reward.

I have always found the bloggers that were critical of the "law school cartel" as they call it somewhat misguided.  Their thought process is highly skewed and they live their lives on the internet, in a constant state of whine.  There is no way that they will get off their butts and do something with their lives as long as they have a forum to complain.  Whether it is Professor Campos (who is doing a huge disservice to people through his blog) or through the other blogs that use fowl language and disgusting imagery to throw an "online temper tantrum," the reality is that these blogs are a waste of time, not only for the people who live their lives whining on them, but for those who spend time reading them.  The bloggers believe that everyone will fail because they could have never succeeded.  It's rather sad to me to think that people read that stuff and decide to not go to school.  It's as if they think that they will be as inept as those who comment on there.  There are winners and there are losers in society, and the losers are those who are posting comments on Campos' blog.  The losers are those who, even though they have opportunities, would rather stay at home and live with their parents for perpetuity instead of grow up and do something with their lives.

I have been around the world and have seen things, and I must say that there is a lot more to the world than what some misguided kids seem to think there is.  There are always those who do not grow up, those who do not mature and move on with their lives.  I have found that many people are content to live their lives like children instead of going forth and doing something with their lives.  What a shame. 


Suffice it to say, I do not read the other blogs or forums any longer, nor have I since returning from my last trip in the Caribbean.  And as I do not allow comments on this blog, I can not see what others are saying about me.  All I know is, that as children, those who are angry at me loathe the fact that I do not read their hateful comments (they are obsessed about me) and will not find a way to speak with me through this blog.  As for my other readers, you would do yourselves a service to not bother with reading blogs from authors who would have failed at life no matter what they did.

As far as the stats of this blog, I must say that other blogs are still bringing me plenty of readers.  Especially TTR.  Other such blogs have yet to remove me from their blog roll.  Thank you for that :)


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