Friday 10 February 2012

My class rank has plummeted.

So, to my surprise, this week it was announced that class ranks were announced.  I knew I would not fare good.  However, I had no idea I would fare so badly.  This is a 180 from my first semester, where I was in the top 1/4th.  Now I am near the absolute bottom of my class.  Frankly, when I saw it I was stunned.  Part of me wanted to break down, cry.  For a moment I began thinking of applying for graduate school and leaving law school.  Perhaps a masters in Economics/Finance or Mathematics.  I am sure that either of those would be a wiser choice than law.  However, as the night progressed, I came to terms with the fact that my rank has plummeted and I will never be able to get back to where I once was, and that I may never work as a lawyer.

First, going to law school was a stupid choice.  No doubt about it.  Based on the reading I have done in the past year and a half I can honestly say that I should have never went to law school.  Do I wish I never went to law school?  Part of me does, but another part of me knows that if I did not go to law school I would have always thought I failed for not going, and imagined that my life as a lawyer would have been glamorous.  I would have never searched for the scamblogs or learned the harsh reality of the law profession.  In my mind I would have saw an imaginary life that I missed out on.  And I would have lamented that probably for the remainder of my years.

But now, having gone to law school, my eyes have been opened to the reality that it was not I who failed, but the schools that failed to paint a clear picture of reality.  Now, don't get me wrong, I failed in the sense that I didn't get a high LSAT and got into a top school and made top 10% grades.  But, was that something that I would really have wanted out of my life?  Do I really want to be a big firm attorney?  I can not deny that the pay and the lifestyle that it would buy are impressive.  However, selling my soul for those kind of hours, for that kind of stress is in my eyes just not worth it.  I have, however, failed in the sense that I did not research the law profession before going to school.  In fact, if law school has taught me one thing, it is to research. 

In fact, it's somewhat ironic that law school teaches one to research so well, yet if we had researched in the first place, we would have never went.  That is, if we were smart.  Some of us, no doubt, think we will be different.  That we will get the good jobs, or that we will network hard enough.  But the reality is, one should not depend on stupid luck to get somewhere in life.  And for many who end up getting positions, that is what it will probably take.  Others, of course have certain connections or are masochistic, and law school is probably alright for that type of person. 

Law school was not right for me, but I ask myself what type of schooling was.  Perhaps I am thinking too narrow.  Maybe no type of school was right for me.  I have always thought of myself as a type of creative person.  I enjoy writing, drawing, music and that sort of thing.  I could have went to college for those things, but I did not think my skills in them were up to par.  So instead I chose law.  I am sure many people were like me in this regard.  Now I wonder if I should have went for something I was passionate in.  I mean, if I won't get a job with this degree, what would have been the harm with going for a degree in film or animation? 

So, am I upset I went to law school?  In the end, no.  It opened my eyes to the reality of life.  I have learned a lot in this process.  Now, has it been worth the price?  No way.  It is an overpriced lesson.  Even my Corporate Finance professor calls it a 'bubble', and there is no doubt it is.  Should have we not learned from the housing crash only a few short years ago?  I think so, and I think that this bubble is going to pop very soon.  And when it does, things are going to be very interesting. 

My class rank now puts me in the bottom 3/4th of my class.  It's time to reassess that which I plan on doing with my life. 

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