Monday 29 October 2012

Breaking News: Hurricane Sandy closes law school on Tuesday!

I was informed just now that my law school will be closed on Tuesday.  That means that I got two WHOLE days off due to this storm.  Now, I didn't even know there was a hurricane coming on Friday afternoon.  In fact, as I have stated before, I don't really pay much attention to the news.  Had it not been for overhearing about the hurricane from someone at the school, I don't even know when I would have found out about it. 

This morning I got a few more text messages about the hurricane and some people that I have not heard from in months asked me if things were alright.  I can't help but wonder what the people on the west coast are hearing about this hurricane.  I was talking to my sister all night last night and she had not yet heard about it, but upon awakening, she was like "omgz hurricane!  are you ok?!"  I told her I was, and that I did not expect to be in any danger.  However, she told me to keep her updated.  The truth is, I don't know what I would say to keep her updated.  Should I just say, "wind has blown a leaf by my apartment?" 

Another sister, who I don't talk to very much got a hold of me and let me know that she was worried.  And yet another sister, who I don't think likes me that much actually had a nice conversation with me.  Like I said before, I wonder what they are telling people on the west coast about this hurricane.

Before I should get out the celebration caviar, I was told that these classes will be made up somehow.  That means that, although, I won't have class tomorrow, I will have to make up these classes sometime.  So I am just postponing the inevitable.  In other words, the school will have your soul one way or another.

And while the school is bleeding away my soul, I can't help but wonder if there is a sigh of relief by all the big firm attorneys.  You know, the attorneys that we all think that we want to be.  Of course, I can imagine them still under the whips while at home.  As the limbs break outside and the storm surges closer to their waterfront homes, they work hard on cases.  The big partners are in Guam, away from the reach of the hurricane, while the young associates are busting their backs, while the family is down below, in the basement, hiding. 

The electricity flutters.  The young partner reaches for his cell phone.  He dials the partner who is drinking a martini and watching that sunset over Pacific.  "I am calling sir, because my power went off.  I don't know if I will have the information typed out."

"The power's out?"

"Yes, and the storm's really picking up.  The wind is coming in at..."

"I don't care.  You have a generator right?"


"An electric generator.  You know, something to plug your laptop into so you can continue to work.   You know, these things are important to have."

"Well, I do, but..."

"Plug it in, hook up your computer, and get that file typed up and ready for Wednesday.  I don't care if the hurricane is in your living room.  I am not paying you to sit around and watch the storm.  Now the courts are going to be open Wednesday and I will be back in New York that evening.  I expect to see a full report on my desk when I get back.  Now I am trying to enjoy some time off, and if you call me again you can expect to be in the unemployment line.  Right?"

"Yes sir."

"Oh, and one more thing.  Never call me again on this phone.  I don't care what the reason is."  Click.


I can't help but wonder if the unemployment line would be more my style.  I doubt the big firm attorneys are getting to enjoy this storm.  I imagine that this is as much fun as a law student gets during their third year.  Yes, being trapped in an apartment while a storm closes down the city is the height of fun for a third year law student. 

I am going to enjoy today and tomorrow.  I am going to not think about the make up days.  I am going to enjoy the electricity while it lasts.  I might talk to my sister.  I might let her know that I saw a bird outside.  He was on the trash can and confused.  Poor little guy.  The storm is going to barrel in on it soon.  She's an animal rights activist type, so maybe telling her about the bird would be in bad taste.  Maybe I will try to save the bird, bring him/her inside, and give her/him a dry place.  She would like that.

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