Thursday 4 October 2012

To the commentor who called me an idiot.

How you see yourself says a lot about how you judge others. True story.

I got a comment on my blog a couple of days ago that I have had some occasion to think about.  I realized I should not bother with "trolls" here, but I figured I would call this person out and let them know that they need to actually sit down and think before they type.

Wow. Not only are you continuing with law school when you KNOW it's a SCAM, you fall for the most obvious "bring truck that's too small and have to make two trips" scam?

And you thanked them for it with a f*cking tip? You are insane.

You are one of life's suckers.

"Here, Dean Scammo, here's another fifty thousand of my dollars for you!"

As you can tell, his reading comprehension level is quite low.  I explained a couple of times why I am continuing with law school.  I don't need to spell it out for him any more.  I figure once you say something enough times and a person doesn't understand it, they are a lost cause. 

I also stated (this person's reading comprehension skills are awful by the way) that I tipped the movers themselves because they did a good job and they are separate from the company.  I am guessing the individual who commented has no idea that workers and employers are often separate entities.  Perhaps the individual has never worked a day in his life.  Perhaps he is still living with his parents.  I am guessing he did not finish law school and/or did awful in it, because the comprehension skills from this "card" are quite low.

There are some people who will make it a game to act like an idiot on the internet.  I am thinking that this individual, this person who thinks that he is so much better than me, is one of these people.  I wish there was something I could do to make this person see that his anger is misdirected.  If you are mad at the law schools, don't take it out on people who are trying to get by.  Don't tell me you have never been scammed (if that was what it was; I don't believe it was an outright scam, but it was annoying nonetheless).

Further, I am going to try to breathe deeply and forget about this whole episode.  I hope that the individual who left the comment above can move on as I am and we can agree to be civil.  If not, you don't need to come back here and comment on what I write.  You can keep your angry thoughts to yourself.  You contributed little to nothing to the conversation.  In fact, you wasted my time.  And yours. 

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