Sunday 28 October 2012

Thar she blows! HURRICANE!!!!

Will this hurricane be the one to end all life?

They say that there is a hurricane coming my way.  Last year the media made fools of themselves over Irene, so I don't have much confidence in the reporting over this one (more on that below).  However, the law school will be closed on Monday, so I will have the day off, and that is good.

I am sure that many people are welcoming the hurricane.  It's interesting that in our modern society that people are welcoming of a hurricane in order to free them from homework, school, etc.  There was one day where people would be down on one knee, praying that they would survive.  Now we just hope that we don't have to go to Advanced Civil Procedure or Family Law class.  In fact, some of us are hoping that we get Tuesday off as well.  Can you believe that?

Now that midterms have passed, I should feel less anxious about school.  Yet every day I feel more fear than ever.  I wake up in a sweat sometimes.  Other nights I can't even sleep.  They call it the 3L jitters I am told (more on that coming soon). 

Well, on a more serious note, the girl that I wrote about a while back came over and brought some water and made sure that I had enough food.  That was a really nice gesture of her.  She knows that I don't know many people here.  I am guessing that's her way of saying that she wants to still be my girlfriend.  I wasn't sure. 

I did receive a call from my mother who was concerned that I was not taking this seriously enough.  She was watching the Weather Channel (a channel that barely can get a regular forecast right).  Sadly, my mother can't understand that the Weather Channel exists solely to sell advertising and make money.  Many people think that these networks are around for a benevolent cause, such as to make sure people are safe from big storms.  Instead, they make their revenue off of creating fear in the masses, and having them glued to their programming.  This strategy has worked, as many people are hooked on the channel today as this "storm" moves closer and closer to New York. 

She is right though, I am not taking this seriously.  I did go out and get some coconut water and some spices to make something that I was already going to cook.  But, I wasn't going to go buy actual stuff.  I must say the store was packed and I felt silly for even going out.  But I needed that Paprika for a recipe and realized that I needed Garlic powder.  So, as you can see, I am not taking this seriously at all.

The Russians

Having some Russian in me, I feel bad for the people around Brighton Beach in Brooklyn that are forced to evacuate.  Last year I lived in a flood zone that was suggested to evacuate.  I did not, even though I was a couple of blocks from the water.  The day progressed just fine.  In fact, the day of the hurricane, I got hungry and walked to get some snacks.  Other people had the same idea.  This was a hurricane that the media was saying was going to rip the city apart.  A hurricane that was unprecedented.  A hurricane like no other.  Now the media is saying the exact same thing about this one.  I am going to remain planted here and I imagine others will be as well.  In fact, many people are sick of the media crying wolf over every storm that hits.  One day a real storm will hit, and then what?  We won't budge.  Then what?

One thing that I have realized since reading scamblogs is that there are a LOT of scams out there.  The "weather" is a scam.  A massive industry that is built on the premise that one can actually predict what nature will conjure up.  It's a gamble, nothing more.  Are you rolling the dice on Frankenstorm?  I rolled the dice on Isabel, and I must say, I won that bet.  I'm going to win this one as well.

...Sadly, I recently saw a comment that said that Bloomberg should have evacuated all of New York.  I don't even know what one should say to that...  But, all I have left to say now is, enjoy your time away from school!  Study up and prepare yourself to own the final.  Perhaps even get a head start on your job search! 

Good luck surviving this storm!  (If I die, this will be my last post).

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