Wednesday 19 June 2013

Administrative matters and a small favor needed

After this week's drama, I have a few administrative matters:

1.  New writers are still welcome. If you have a voice and you can commit to some kind of regular level of posting - perhaps twice a month, preferably more - then please email me at  Other bloggers here, please add your email addresses to your posts (if you want to) so that readers can contact you.

2.  If you just have a piece that you want published here, email it over and we'll get it out there for you.  Guest posts are more than welcome.  Same email address, or the email address of your favorite blogger here.

3.  Kind of linked to the above, although I think that TALP had a bit of a hissy fit and should probably have cooled off before quitting, she did make a fair point: we do need participation and help. Whether that's just posting comments, or emailing us leads, or helping out with individual bloggers' projects to get the word out, I'm not entirely sure that this can be an entirely "informational" or "passive" blog, nor was that my intention when getting it up and running.  ITLSS has already done that, and done it very well.  OTLSS was supposed to be the next step, not a copycat blog.  The word needs to be spread, and it's not going to spread itself.  The easy part has already been done by the scamblogs of old - developing the message.  Now it's the hard part, which is spreading the message.  Just relying on Google to pick this blog up doesn't cut it. I don't expect the activism that TALP had hoped for, but I think we can all agree that just reading and nodding our heads in somber agreement without doing more to spread the word outside this blog is far less than we're capable of.

Now the small favor:

I screwed around with the logo by accident, and lost the original while I was trying to add the email contact address to it.  The title now looks messy and off-color and fuzzy.  So put your graphic design skills to work and send us something new.

The image must be 600 pixels wide, must contain the blog name, and must contain the contact email address.  Other than that, go to town and give us something cool and new and fresh.  Anything goes.  I'll post submissions.  Like Google Doodles, we can rotate through them or change them at will.  If you have something seasonal, or weird, or whatever, send it in and we'll get it up.

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