Sunday 30 June 2013

Egyptian Revolution and Final Days in Egypt

Posted from Cairo, Egypt - It's hard to sleep when there's a revolution going on 3 blocks away from your hotel.  With that being said, I am nearing the end of my trip.  Soon, I will be preparing for the bar exam (something I am not really excited about).  At the same time I will be working at my internship and sort of waiting until I move to California.  I really did enjoy this trip to Egypt though and I am going to miss it here a lot.  The people here are very nice and the culture is one that I find myself identifying with on many levels.  I may post more about my Egyptian adventure later on, but I did want to share what has been going on with my readers.


As far as the protests go, the U.S. embassy has urged Americans to leave Egypt and/or not travel here.  This is a troubling time for Egypt, but I must say, I have never felt unsafe on this trip.  In fact, my wife and I have been the only tourists here in many areas.  For example, on buses and trains, we have seen little to no tourists.  At some hostels, we have been almost alone.  On tours we have been with only a couple of people.  On our trek up Mt. Sinai, we were alone for a couple of hours at the summit because few others have the gonads to travel here.  Sad, isn't it?

But, with that said, we are preparing to head home:  Back to New York.  I really wish I would have just skipped the bar exam and spent the summer here.  But, that was not in the cards.  No sir.  I will soon be on the aeroplane and flyin' high, headin' home.

I have seen so much on this trip.  We spent a day in Amsterdam, then we were in Cairo a few days before spending a few days in Alexandria.  Then we headed west to Siwa for a few days and then to St. Catherine's at Sinai for a few days.  Then we slithered into Dahab for a week and a half with a day trip to Jerusalem and the Dead Sea before lunging forth to Luxor for three fun-packed nights.  In Luxor we explored the Valley of the Kings and Karnak, before a jaunt via train to Cairo just in time for the June 30th revolution.  It's been one heck of a trip, and one that I will never forget.

While in Egypt, I did some of the following:
  • Rode a camel for the first time.
  • Tried amazing new foods.
  • Crossed into Asia via land and then later back into Africa.
  • Visited the birth place and tomb of Jesus.
  • Floated in the Dead Sea.
  • Snorkeled at the Blue Hole, one of the most dangerous diving sites in the world - not once but twice!!!
  • Climbed Mt. Sinai, or "Mount Moses."
  • Went inside of the Great Pyramid.
  • Visited the Valley of the Kings, where King Tut's tomb was unearthed.
  • Visited Karnak, one of the largest temples on Earth!
  • Crossed and floated along the Nile, the world's longest river.
  • And yet, I still was able to defend the law schools!
What a summer!  And there's a lot more of these to come, as India and Peru are on my list.  And when I get that sailboat, there is no telling where the winds will take me!

Thank you for reading.  I have a lot planned for when I get back, which includes a tour of our apartment in New York (complete with pictures), plans for using my law degree, and how to be a frugal law student/graduate.  I look forward to writing more in the days to come.  

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