Tuesday 18 June 2013

The End?

Part 1.  Why I’m Quitting

I’m done with scamblogging. It’s not working. And I don’t think it’s the fault of the scambloggers, because some of us have worked hard. It’s everyone else.

Yes, I’m looking at you.

You are not putting any effort into this. Scamblogging will never work if the readers just sit there and have a “meh” reaction to everything we do. From the very start of this blog, all those months ago, there have been so many opportunities to contribute, so many good projects for activism suggested, yet so much utter lethargy and disinterest from everyone involved that it’s been embarrassing. We tried stickers on books, so easy but ignored. We tried getting together and organizing a presence at LSAT tests or law schools, and that was so easy but ignored.  We tried fliers, again so easy but ignored. We tried promoting Con Law, so easy and ignored. Someone had the bright idea of renting a billboard, funding the project via Kickstarter, which was hands down the best idea ever suggested here. But that too was ignored.

And we've tried asking you all time and time again what exactly you would do to help, and we get nothing. Because deep down, that's what you want to do - nothing.

I’m tired of preaching to an audience who doesn’t have the decency to bother lifting a finger to do anything to help. You’ve consistently demonstrated that you’re some of the laziest people ever encountered. You want everyone else to do the hard work for you, and you even want someone else to do the easy work for you.  You want solutions handed to you on a plate. You want reform without actually helping. Well, I’m not playing that shitty little game anymore. You want change? Get it yourself because I’m done wasting my time trying to get it for you.

If even some of the thousands of readers had even shown a little interest in doing something to help themselves, I’d be happy. But nobody gives a fuck to be honest. You all want me and Adam and Dybbuk and RAB to do the heavy lifting on your behalf, and when we suggest things for you to help with, you turn and walk away.

You are a lazy, entitled, foolish group. If this lethargy and feebleness is how you’ve been looking for work and trying to pay your loans off, no wonder you’re in the mess you’re in. You're making everyone look like losers.

And most of the writers here are no different. We have what, fourteen?  Adam works his ass off. Dybbuk works his ass off. RAB works his ass off. There’s a couple (including me) who do what we can, when we can, and then there’s the ten others who literally posted one thing and then disappeared.  Even the majority of the writers can’t be bothered!

So I quit. I’m not spending my time on this issue anymore. Fuck, it doesn’t even affect me. I don’t care how many new lawyers come into the market and fail because it's their loss, not mine. I don’t care how much law school costs because I’m not paying those bills. If people want to go to law school, who cares? Not me anymore, because almost without exception the victims - you - are people who are too lazy to even bother trying to resolve their own problems.

We are facilitators of change, not Messiahs or super heroes. We needed you to help and to be the worker ants who could assist with tiny pieces of the solution. You couldn’t even be bothered to do that.

So do your own work. I'm tired of doing it for such an ungrateful, unmotivated bunch of self-inflicted failures.

Part 2. Why We All Should Quit

I’m not done with activism or writing. I’m going to put my efforts now into something that directly affects me, which is student loan relief. Fuck law school. Nobody else gives a damn about it judging by your lack of interest, so neither do I. I’m going to be selfish and pick an issue that directly will help me instead.

Student loans. That’s where the change will come from. Trying to close law schools or fire professors or change the curriculum, that’s all window dressing. It’s pointless.  We all need to quit this retarded scamblogging and let the schools bloat and gorge and inflate, and then they will burst.

All we’re doing with scamblogging is putting law schools on a diet. They will plateau and continue to exist.  If you want to cause damage to the law schools, let them go wild. Let them have all the students they want and all the debt they want and flood the market, and let the legal profession churn these graduates up and treat them like animals and let the entire system collapse under the weight of its own greed. You'll have massive support from the public for that because people hate lawyers.

That’s the second reason I’m done with scamblogging. I think that at this point, the legal education complex and the legal profession just needs to be free to destroy itself. Scamblogging is slowing that. I want to see the entire disgusting system spectacularly collapse, not just be nipped at by scamblogging. And it will do that if we leave it alone and let it get so big and so disgusting and vile and obese that it just falls to pieces. I want to see hundreds of thousands of unemployed law grads lowering the hourly rates and fighting for business and backstabbing and failing. I want to see millions of lawyers’ practices destroyed by a few greedy lawyers who outsource jobs and work at Schpoonkle and set up automated doc review companies and internet sites where you can get a will written for $5 and a divorce for $10. I want to see biglaw firms collapse. I want to see courthouses full of scum unemployed lawyers clawing for scraps.

Because that is what will drive people away from law schools and make people sit up and listen. Not the bullshit on this blog where people can’t even be bothered to write comments half the time or lift a finger to help themselves.  This blog has warned nobody away from law school.

So that’s why I am done with scamblogging.  It is slowing the inevitable destruction of the profession (and most of the time it doesn't even do that because people ignore it).  And it’s not addressing the real issue, which is student loan reform.

My thanks go out to Adam, Dybbuk and RAB and OTLSS for the work that they are doing. Everyone else – you've had so many chances, and I'm not giving you another.

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