Money Quote: "'Rates are going up, and the tuition is going up so [students] have to pay back more at a higher rate ... all because of something young people had nothing to do with -- and that's the passage of ObamaCare,' [Sen. Mitch] McConnell said on the Senate floor."
It's called misdirection. Get people riled up about the interest rates and they won't think about the principal.
"How is Student Loan Debt Affecting Your Post-Graduate Life?" by Newsdesk (PBS News Hour)
Money Quote:
Not so brilliant, Howard.
"Taste Law School Before You Buy," by Monica Bay (Law Technology News)
Money Quote: "'This [new] program can help people decide whether law school is right for them. If they do go to law school, it should give them a major leg up in their first year,' said [Fredrick] Lederer, who was involved with W&M's Legal Skills Program, which helped prepare law students for practice."
Please feel to let us know in the comment section below what you think the "aftertaste of law school" is like.
Money Quote: "'Participating students will save a full year of tuition, room, board and books, and this will make law school more accessible and more affordable," according to a press release quoting associate dean John Nussbaumer of Cooley's Auburn Hills campus of the new 3 + 3 program with Oakland University.
Yes, you can join the ranks of other attorneys in Michissippi even one year sooner!
"Late Bar Exam Results May Crimp Law Schools' Jobs Numbers," by Karen Sloan (National Law Journal)
Money Quote: "Are bar examiners who take their sweet time releasing test releasing test results hurting law schools' employment statistics? Some law school deans think so, and now the American Bar Association is considering whether to delay collecting jobs data for a month to allow straggling states to license new graduates before schools must poly up their numbers."
Yeah, right.
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