Saturday 22 June 2013

To the class of 2016, I will be your refuge, your guiding light!

Since when did scamblogging become so hostile?  I wondered this when I read a post "To the Class of 2016: Most of You Will Be Forgotten and No One Will Feel Sorry For You."  I feel that posts like this do nothing for the "movement" and instead make those who post them seem arrogant and angry at the world.

First, I will say that the bit about Obama being elected for a third term is just silly.  Without getting all political, I don't get the hate on Obama.  For a (long) while, it was popular to love him, and everyone was on the bandwagon, and now it's popular to hate him, and everyone has jumped on that bandwagon.  Ever hear of "think for yourself?"

Next is the bit about the income.  $30-$70k is a good amount of money to live a decent life.  Sure, you'll have to be frugal, but do you need half of the stuff you buy?  Seriously, do you need a huge house with all the trimmings and a fancy car that turns the heads of those you are secretly jealous of?  Do you really need to prove yourself like a cock with his feathers up and out?  Will that really make you feel better as you waste your days away as a slave to your over-inflated lifestyle?  One must grow up, both mentally and financially.  In the words of an individual who said it before me: "it's time to put on your big boy pants."  The chap was right.  Put 'em on!

Oh, and one more point.  Some of us still think you are bitter losers.  And we probably always will.  If you are complaining at 200 KPH / 120 MPH on the internet, you are going to be perceived as somewhat of a "loser."  Real men don't think WWW means World Wide Whine.

Now, for the meat of the post I will highlight some of the worst of the worst:

Warning: Content is RUDE and OFFENSIVE, and just plain MEAN!

If you graduate law school and find yourself in unmanageable debt for possibly the rest of your life, I have no sympathy for you. You deserve to live like an indentured servant for the rest of your life. Go cry to mommy who probably co-signed your student loans and will have to cash out her retirement to pay it. 
If you don’t get a job after graduation, I don’t give a poo. Don’t come to me for a job because I’m not hiring you. If I need help, I’ll look for a college graduate or a contract attorney. 
If you decide to start your own law firm, don’t come to me for help. I will not mentor anyone from the Class of 2016 nor refer you clients unless there is something in it for me. 
If a client tells me that you fluffed up his case, no matter how small, I will not hesitate to tell the client to go after you. I will tell the client to consider filing a complaint with the State Bar, file a malpractice claim against you in small claims court or consult with a malpractice attorney. Especially if I see you driving a luxury car or living the “lawyer lifestyle” because you can surely afford to defend a malpractice claim. 
If a hiring colleague were to ask me about hiring a Class of 2016 law school graduate, I will advise her to pay slave wages. It’s supply and demand. I will tell them about IBR and PAYE and how it can be used to convince/force young graduates to accept low pay and forgo raises at least 10 years. If IBR is still around in 15 to 20 years, there will be lawyers with substantial experience who will gladly work for next to nothing in order to qualify for loan forgiveness.

My comment:

Nasty and vile. These are the first two words that come to mind when reading this post. I am a member of the class of 2013. I know I am different. I am the special snowflake. And I am darn proud I went to law school. This post, at the end, is rude on many levels. Some will succeed in law, even from “fourth tier crappers,” as they are oft called from the scambloggers. To tell another person not to go because many have done bad is not good enough. Many people know the odds are against them in life, and they take a risk. Law school could be called a risk, but it’s not as big of a risk as having a child or marrying the wrong person. You learn much in law school, but how much does one learn by getting in a mortgage that makes them a slave. And $30k to $70k is not bad at all, especially with IBR. And, yes, IBR will exist for a very, very long time (if not forever in some shape or form).
Thank you for sharing your views on the matter, but you have no excuse to be mean to the students of 2016. If anything, I will provide them refuge, and I will continue the call: “if you want to go to law school — don’t you dare let anyone stop you!”

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