Saturday 15 June 2013

Why Worry About Tomorrow?

Thank you for coming by and reading "Lil' Toby."  That was a fun one to write.  I am so far, as of now, 20,000 words, or roughly 32 single spaced pages into the work.  Not bad for what was originally something fun.  The story has morphed into something else and may be for sale on Amazon once edits are done.  So far I am really liking how it is shaping up.

I must say, I am really enjoying my trip to Egypt so far.  I usually take my blog down when I travel, as I don't want to think of the whole 'law school scam' while I am away.  However, I figured it would be good to have it up.  In fact, the story "Lil' Toby" has already received close to 300 views.  As an author, I can not ignore that.

I am a law school graduate now.  I am done with law school -- and the more I think about it, the more I am wondering if practicing law is for me.  I want to write.  That's what I really want to do.  I want to write and run my own business.

I am in Dahab right now.  It is a nice seaside town on the Sinai peninsula.  I like it here, it has a hippy feel.  I have always associated myself with hippies and the like, even though I do not do drugs, nor do I drink alcohol.

Back to law school, though.  I am glad I went through with it.  Sure, I have a lot of debt, but I don't think about that.  Just the other day I found out that I have a $750 bill for a car being towed that was still in my name on the west coast.  I had given it away to a person a while back and for some reason never filed for a lost title.  I just forgot about the thing.  So, I am now having to pay for the cost of it being towed, even though I have not seen that car for over 5 years.  I was upset about it, as $750 is a lot of money.  Well, I realize that I am going to have to come up with it when I get back.  I was upset about it at first, and it almost ruined this trip for me, but then I realized something, and that something is:

"Do not worry about tomorrow, cuz tomorrow doesn't give a darn about you"

In other words, I may not live past this trip.  I could die in a plane crash on my way home.  I could, also, end up quite wealthy due to some unforeseen reason.  Who knows?  Why should I spend the present worrying about something in the future that I may not need to have worried about?  I am here, in Egypt, right now, and I am going to enjoy this time.

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