Monday 7 November 2011

So Much Anger

My last internship was an experience in itself.  I can't help but find myself thinking back to it with no good thoughts.  Just thoughts of if that is what practicing law is like, then help me please.  I guess, that's what they call sh*t-law.  It was a solo practitioner who worked in an office with an actual firm.  Part of me was happy to not work for the actual firm, because the people who worked there were full of hate.  Lots of yelling in that office.  And the guy I worked for had no clue how to deal with people.  He thought he was pretty much the smartest man imaginable.  I wish I found out where he went to law school, because he didn't hang his diploma in his office (the people in the other firm went to Harvard, U.C. Berkeley, and the like) but this guy, mystery law school (maybe it was New York Law School, as he hired a lot of people before me from there).

Anyway, he'd say one thing and then blow up at me for doing it the way he said to do it.  Every day, no matter what I did, it was wrong.  "Fax a letter to this other attorney," he'd bark, then he'd hiss "We should have called instead.  You should have called!" 

He was constantly on the phone with his new wife, yelling at her over something, or pouting because she would not have dinner ready for him.  Oh yes, and he whined.  This actually confused me, because why would a grown man whine at his intern?  He had no people skills what-so-ever.  Excuse me for ranting, but man, the whole thing was hell.  He was a shady player in the law game and one that I would not want to be in business with.  I can tell now why he practices on his own and why he can't keep an intern (I think I worked for him the longest, half a semester). 

One thing I have noticed about this profession is that there is so much yelling, so much anger.  I see no need for it.  Could one not be cool and composed?  Instead they seem to take on so much and let their own greed overtake them.  I have never met a calm attorney.  Well, one, but he was the slave of another angry one and I think he was about to have a nervous breakdown.  Poor man.  I hope that's not me one day.  I have nightmares though, sometimes, that it will be me.  I'd rather work in fast food though than deal with that.  I'll go learn a trade or something if it comes down to it.  Anything, just please, not that.

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