Tuesday 29 November 2011

Thanksgiving Break

Man, I really enjoyed my Thanksgiving break.  I didn't even think much about law school except having to actually go back on Monday.  And here I am, waiting for class to start.  I thought about skipping this one, as I actually read the stuff (except the last case) but I think I will go, mainly because I have right about the max amount of absences. 

I got some comments on my last post which really gave me something to think about.  I am considering going and teaching English outside the US.  Sure, it's not great money, but it's better than this.  I have a lot of research to do, but it would probably be better than sitting around in class all day worrying that:

1) I will get called on.
2) and if I get called on I will have not read the case.
3) or, I will have read the case, but be tricked,
4) or, will be asked something about a past case that I did not read which relates to this case.
5) or that I am wasting my time, and will not be able to find a job after this.
6) or that I could be doing something more worthwhile such as playing Farkle on my ipod.

Update:  I was called on!  And guess what, it was the case from LAST CLASS that I did not brief.  I guess I did not realize we were still behind.  I scrambled like a lunatic trying to remember the case, and looked around through my underlined notes like a bat out of hell.  I was able to parse things together as the professor fired question upon question at me in military fashion.  My palms were entrenched with sweat, my eyes were glazed in hysteria.  From the back corner of the room I plunked out answers in fury, clenching my pen and book, flipping through my notebook to past cases that she may try to compare.  Her gaze had me frozen as her lips barked forth words that had become mush in my brain over the Thanksgiving break.  I knew she was thinking: "did you not review and study over the break?" 

Finally, when she asked me the holding, and the glorious light at the end of the tunnel beckoned, I screwed it up.  I went blank.  I forgot what the holding was.  And then, it came to me!  And I was wrong.  She corrected me and talked for a moment.  Her words turned into white noise as I stared at the pages, ready to answer yet another question, but none came.  It was over...

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