Wednesday 29 February 2012

Bankruptcy for Student Loan Debt?

It has been said that bankruptcy should be allowed for student loan debt.   When I first heard this, I was not sure what to think.   However, as time passed by and I started to think of the situation regarding student loan money being granted to individuals and how this debt plagues some very hardworking people, I started to understand the case for allowing students to declare bankruptcy in order to remove their student loans.

People go to college, generally, to gain the skills to enter the workforce.  Some individuals go to college for seven years or more.   This is the case with law students.  However, due to the current economy, many law students are finding that there are no jobs for them.  Yet, what is there for them is six digit student loan debt.  Furthermore, many students were sucked into the higher education system as a result of being told all their lives that college was not an option, but a necessity.  That in order to be even remotely successful in life, you need a college education.

Sadly, many students are finishing college, expecting to land a good job that allows them to be a productive member of society and reap the rewards for their labor.  However, many students will never have home ownership (or will have to defer it) or will not be able to secure credit for their own business.   Many will be stuck with a very limited income after college, barely able to pay back these massive loans.

Many people go to college in order to do something better with their lives.   The opportunity cost of college is high.  One must defer the earning of income in order to attend college.  This income could be used to pay for a down payment on a house, to start a new business, or to be invested towards retirement.  The person who does not choose college will not have to worry about student loan debt. The person who goes to college feels that he or she is making a responsible choice.  A choice that will benefit them and their family in the years to come.  However, upon graduating, many students are inundated with student loan debt (some also have credit card and other debt, which I will ignore here). This debt is often crippling.  The student can try to enter the workforce with their college degree, but often they will realize that the jobs are just not there.   Therefore, the graduate schools make their siren calls, offering the life of glitz and glamor.  Come continue your education, and reap even greater rewards than your peers.   Young men and women fall for this.   Our parents, teachers, and the rest of society tells us that this is the right choice.  More school is always good.   The more education you have the better off you will be.  However, the reality is, if you can not find work, you will only be in more debt.

Six figure debt is said to be life crippling.  Many people have years of depression ahead of them when they realize that the rest of their youth will be spent trying to pay off this debt instead of doing the things, such as starting a family, buying a home, starting a business, etc. etc. that their less educated friends are able to do.   They were told to go to college, that it was the responsible thing to do, and in the end their reward is a life of desolation.  And they are told, unlike their less educated counterparts, that they can not discharge that debt.  They are told that, even though they worked for years on getting a degree, that the debt is there to haunt them for the rest of their life.

Some individuals are unable to pay such debt, and are saddled with extra payments.  Payments that spiral out of control due to compound interest.  Other individuals flee from the United States, feeling that the only way to escape the debt is to leave their homeland behind.  They become known as the student loan debt pariahs.

One reason that this debt has got out of control is that student loan amounts have grown like crazy.   A person should not be allowed to take out over $200,000 in loans for higher education.   In fact, an individual should not be allowed to take out over $100,000 in loans.  Why?  Because when the loan rates are increased, the tuition increases in step with it.  In fact, college tuition has risen faster than the cost of medical care, yet which of the two gets the most media attention?  Most of the college students I have spoken to have no idea how fast college tuition increases!

The higher education system is one of the biggest businesses in the United States.  It is truly a business in every sense of the world. Ride the New York subway system and see the trains plastered with ads from schools you have never even heard of.  Watch television and see advertisements from multitudes of schools.   Drive around the country and see billboards advertising colleges.  Anyone can join now, thanks to the ease of student loan debt.  If student loan debt was capped, the schools would be forced to reduce their tuition.   Society now thinks that education is a right for all, and people would be angry at the idea that their kids could not go to college, so schools would be forced to reduce their tuition in order to allow everyone to go to college.  To have to pay $40-50,000 for a year of education is ludicrous.  As I said in a previous post, one could go from New York or Los Angeles to Cancun or another tropical locale for the same price as a week of class at some schools.  It truly is out of control.

Well meaning parents tell their children that they have to go to college.  They give up much time that they could be earning money in order to learn to be a better member of society.  They are told what they are doing is great.  Their families celebrate their choice.  They endure 4-7 years of higher education, and then, as a result, are not able to partake in the joys of humanity.  There is something wrong with this picture.   I say let there be some kind of bankruptcy protection for student loans. Maybe after five years.  If a person is unable to find work, why should they be a slave to debt for the remainder of their life?  Why should a well meaning individual not be able to partake in the ability to own a home or start a business?

I say this, because I imagine I will never own a home or property.  At one time I thought I would, but now I realize that the course I have chosen will be to my detriment.   I don't know if I would file for bankruptcy if given the choice, I have come to terms with the reality of the situation and use this blog to warn others and to express myself.   While there is a stigma with filing for bankruptcy, there are some cases in which bankruptcy for student loans is necessary.  Why should the college graduate who worked hard for almost a decade be told that he can not file for bankruptcy, when the higher education system is to blame for the insane and out of control prices of college and graduate school?

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Law School: Destroyer of Creativity?


One reason I started this blog was to express my creative side.  I have read that law school destroys a person's creativity, and I found that mine was being sucked out of me as well.  Generally, there is no time to partake in the artistic aspects of life, and much time instead being devoted to reading and understanding and even memorizing cases.  So I took it upon myself to create this blog with writings, stories and now my very own illustrations.  This one I drew today while in my Corporate Finance class.  I took my notes in the corner, which is the blackboard.  That way I was still doing some 'learning'.  Let me know what you think.

Monday 27 February 2012

Law School: The Best Remaining 3 Years of Our Lives.

Today I was thinking that law school may be the best three years we have left.  The days are sometimes long and painfully boring.  There is much worry regarding finding a job or not finding a job.  And, some of us are so devoted to school that we have no lives outside of the walls of higher learning.  However, what lurks in the future makes for a sobering reality.  Law school may be some of the best days we have left.

Law school can be depressing...

What comes after graduation?  Depression over not finding a job?  Desperately faxing hundreds, perhaps thousands, of resumes to employers who snort upon opening them, discarding them in the trash in a frenzy?  Explaining to family that law school doesn't equal success.  Explaining to non-legal employers that our law degree was merely a setback?  Explaining to the pastor that the reason I cussed during church was because that job I interviewed for three weeks ago was a no go?  Explaining to the dog that I can not afford to feed him, so he is going to have to go get his own dinner outside tonight?  Explaining to the roaches in the apartment that I can't afford to kill them?  Explaining to a would be girlfriend that I can't afford to take her out on a dinner date, but the food stamps that my career services office helped me procure afforded me some very delicious T.V. Dinners.  Explaining to the bus driver that I will swipe my bus pass twice after getting the job in which I am going to interview for to make up for not having a valid one this time.  You get the point...

Another thing to keep in mind is that there's no summer vacation or spring break (which is coming up next week) in the real world.  A law student is wise to cherish every moment of that spring break (some actually study during it), as it will be one of the last large breaks one will have for a while (other than the unemployment break, but unlike spring break, we don't really look forward to that one). 

Today I heard laughter coming from the table behind me and I wondered what could make the person seem so jolly.  Was it that she got a job offer from a big firm?  Was her law review article published the closest to the front of the Journal of International Law?  Did her boyfriend buy her a brand new puppy?  Laughter, while common now, will grow to be less common as the years progress.  Laughter, to a graduated lawer, is something that begins to die out, go extinct, and even outlawed.  They say after taking the bar exam, all laughter is cut in half.  After finding your first job, it is hard to even smile. 

In one of my classes today we were asked about the time value of money.  The professor asked how much we would value $100 in a year from now.  One person said $106, another said $110, and another said $200.  The professor asked the student who said $200 how much he would view $100 in three years from now.  The student said $250.  The professor said, "why not $300?"  The student said, "I am a 2L and next year I will be a 3L, and I will have a job so the delay in getting the money will not matter to me as I will be making a lot of money."  Enjoy it while it lasts.

Saturday 25 February 2012

A Trip to the Psychiatrist: Session I

It's so expensive these days to afford a psychiatrist or counselor, especially when riding over $100,000 of student loan debt. So I thought I would be my own counselor, as it's not too hard to figure out what they would ask you, and the answers are all up to me anyway.   So I am going to write about my feelings and thoughts here, as if I was talking to a real psychiatrist.


Psychiatrist: How are you today?

Me:  I’m having a more ‘positive’ day.  There was no law school classes today, spring break is around the corner, and afterward it’s all downhill on the way towards summer.  Well, I still have to find a summer job, and I am going back home for the first time since starting law school, and frankly, I’m a bit nervous about that.

Psychiatrist:  I see.  What makes you nervous about going back home?

Me:  Well, my parents think I am going to be a rich lawyer, but not all lawyers are wealthy.  Many are actually deep in, as a fellow scamblogger would say, NON-DISCHARGEABLE student loan debt.  They seem to have watched a butt ton of Perry Mason and similar shows and have based reality around television.

Psychiatrist:  That sounds like psychiatrists.  I am very lucky to have this job. 

Me: Well, you only have a job inside of my mind.  Furthermore, what really irks me about it is that my parents are divorced and live in opposite sides of the state, so when I go back I have to explain the law thing twice and they may think I don’t know what I’m talking about.

Psychiatrist:  How does that make you feel?

Me:  Not too good.  I try to not think about it, as I won’t be going back until May, so I have time to get myself prepared for it.  And finals.  And find a summer job.  And figure out what to do after graduating.

Psychiatrist:  Do all law students feel this way?

Me:  No, not at all.  Some are excited to be there.  In 1L law students are like children, playing with color highlighters and trying to appear smarter than their peers.  They are all fighting for the top grades and play a game of seeing who can talk the most in class.  In 2L the students realize that they are in deep now and the color highlighters are not as appealing.  In fact, by that time they are sick of carrying the books and say ‘screw the highlighters’, highlighting instead in pen or not reading much at all.  I don’t know much about 3L, but I would imagine it has something to do with those suicide cards I keep seeing around my law school.

Psychiatrist:  Whoa, back up.  Suicide cards?  

Me:  Yeah, there’s these little cards around in envelopes about the signs of suicide.  I have not heard of anyone in my class doing it, but it’s obviously a concern.  I think I put one of those cards in my wallet actually.  You know, to have a jump on 3L.

Psychiatrist:  Earlier you said you were having a more ‘positive’ day today.  Tell me, what is a more ‘negative’ day like?

Me:  Well, I skip class, figuring ‘what’s the point?’  Then a few hours later, when I realize class was going, I feel like an idiot.  I wonder what I am missing, if something I missed will be on the test.  I think of how much I am paying per class, it’s a few hundred dollars probably.  I mean, if I paid for a plane ticket to Cancun, which is about what a day of law school costs, would I just skip it?  I think not.  

Psychiatrist:  I can see why you would be upset.  Anything else?

Me:  Well, on those days I find myself looking at the job sites, wondering if I could find a job outside of the law.  I sometimes send a few e-mails out and maybe a resume or two, but then I ask myself if I would skip class to go to an interview, and what would I say?  Would I say I am in law school?  Would I say I am dropping out or plan on dropping out?  What would I say I did for the last couple years if I didn’t say I was in law school?  I then feel like I really should have went to class.  

Psychiatrist:  When was the last time you missed a class?

Me:  Over a week ago.  

Psychiatrist:  How does that make you feel?

Me:  A bit better.  In a way.  I still wonder what the point is, sometimes.   I just sit there in some of my classes and wonder what the point to all this stuff is.  I mean, sometimes I read the books and there is this long case.  I read it and try to understand it.  I try to go through it slow, taking in the law like a man takes in a good looking woman.  I mingle the thoughts around in my mind, feeling real good because I am learning stuff and I feel I can use this information on the next exam.  Then I write all that stuff down in my notebook, all the rules and stuff.  Then, I read on and at the end of the case, in the notes, it says the case was overturned.  I wonder why the hell I had to read that long case if it was just overturned in the end. Furthermore, the book doesn’t say why exactly the case was overturned, so I am thinking ‘what the hell is the point of all this stupid theory?’  I want to learn how to file a lawsuit, and I don’t mean civil procedure cases.  I want to learn how to physically do a case.    

Psychiatrist:  I can imagine so.  Maybe one day the law schools will learn that they need to teach you all more hands on.  Kind of like how a dentist learns dentistry or a brain surgeon learns surgery. 

Me:  That would be nice.  But then I wonder, why not now?  What am I paying for?

Psychiatrist:  Well, maybe you could be a professor and teach that same kind of theory.  Maybe you learn the good stuff when you go for an LLM?

Me:  That’s just another big scam.  It’s another two years of the same theory.  If you want to learn the real law you have to get a job, but those are scarce. 

Psychiatrist:  You are in a world of hurt.  Why did you go to law school again?

Me:  I figured it would supplement my degree nicely and make me a powerhouse in the working world.

Friday 24 February 2012

Crusaders of Justice

Can redemption be found within the hallowed halls of law school?  Is there solace in learning the great laws that have been passed down from generation to generation?  Does the title, esquire, bestow upon thee some magical power?  Some higher purpose?  Are lawyers truly called to lift the world from chaos and create order?

Mort de Roland
If a lawyer is truly a crusader of society, and if the ABA wants to continue to further this vision, then one must ask: does law school go along with this ideal?

In order to be a member of the almighty bar association-earning the coveted (and ultra-expensive) title of esquire-one must pass not only a so-called grueling bar exam, but also pass a character and fitness evaluation.  The bar association demands that its members be fit in morals and personal character in order to represent clients in the courtrooms of this country.

However, according to the magazine “The National Jurist”, two new law schools are planning on opening soon.  The University of North Texas will be opening in 2014, adding another school to the lone star (not lone law school) state.  Indiana Tech in Fort Wayne, Indiana will be opening a new “three-story law school building” around August 2013 if things go according to plan.  Does the United States need two more law schools within the next two years?  

If a baby faced graduate of law school must pass a character and fitness evaluation, shouldn’t the same exacting standards be expected of the law school system?  Should there be so many law schools?  And if so, should not the incoming class sizes be regulated?  Should thousands of people be able to flood the market, making it so that few can find actual legal jobs?  I believe that people should have the chance to do what they want with their lives.  At the same time, student loan money is easy to get.  In fact, it is effortless (almost-I knew someone who did not go to college because he/she did not know how to fill out a FAFSA and refused to learn).  Otherwise, one can have access to hundreds of thousands of dollars for school and living expenses.  While I think that school should be available to everyone, student loans should be capped and schools should follow suit if they want students.  Schools raising tuition every year and loan caps being raised takes advantage of those who are seeking a better life for themselves-the student.

The student is often a young individual who is freshly out in the world.  In fact, the first real scam that the student will face in their life may be the tuition scam.  The result is a lifetime of huge debt and very few ways to get out of it.  Visions of stability and wealth, something that universally almost human being craves, is held out in front of the student.  The student pushes forth, towards that vision, in hopes of attaining it, being told, just a couple more years of school, and you'll be done.  Just another year at $40,000 and you shall be a self-sufficient and productive member of society.  A crusader of justice, who will make your families and communities immensely proud. 

Coming up with a solution to the problem is not easy.  The ABA could state that law schools should cap their class sizes each year, especially when the economy is in a huge downturn.  The ABA could state that the current law school model of learning three years of theory is a broken model that does not do much good for teaching law.  If a person is not ready to represent a client on their own after law school, then the system has failed them.  Imagine a doctor graduating medical school and did not knowing how to operate on a patient.  Imagine a dentist getting out of dental school and not knowing how to do a root canal or a filling after joining a dental office for half a decade?  However, that is where law schools are placing their graduates. 

Some schools have mentioned creating in house law firms in which their students can learn how to represent a client.  Why has that not been implemented from the start?  If dental school charged $30-50,000 a year to teach students ‘dental theory’ and said ‘you will learn the real medical stuff through a future job’, people would revolt.  Yet us law students as a whole go through the motions, not questioning anything.  We are taught to question everything; yet we do not.  Why is this?  Perhaps it is time for the students to start writing the ABA and telling them that the system needs to be changed.  It may not do anything; but the people need to know that we, as a class, need to make our views known.  Many are not going to speak out against the system, but some of us should start taking our thoughts directly to them.  Perhaps it is time to be a real Crusader of Justice.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Visiting Family for the First Time Since Starting Law School...

I am now in my second year of law school and this summer I will be going to visit my family.  The last time I visited them was before I left for law school.  It has been almost a year and a half, and while I have not had to constantly hear questions about being a future lawyer, I have been asked for some legal advice on occasion as well as heard the comments regarding how I am going to be the first in the family to be a lawyer and what not.

I am sure most of you hear something like:  "it will be good to have an attorney in the family!"  That is, unless there is already one in the family.  There is not one in my family.  I will be the first.  It is truly a thrilling time for the family.  A real treat for us all.

Back when I started this blog, I wrote a post called Don't Drop Out! in which I said that I mentioned to my family that I was considering quitting law school.  After a while of not commenting on this topic, it sort of died off.  I have not heard as much about law school since then, however, I am kind of dreading going back to where I grew up and being bombarded with questions about the law and my future legal career.  I have in the past been asked countless times by people what my concentration is going to be.

What kind of lawyer are you going to be?
Me:  My goal is to be the employed kind. 

What kind though?  Don't you get a choice, like ambulance chaser or litigator?
Me:  I... Maybe that one.

Seriously, though.  I am dreading the trip back.  What ever happened to the golden days of college where one went back home during a break in their studies and felt good about what they were doing.  You know, the first in the family, telling everyone about the joys of college.  About how we were learning so much.  About how we were excited to start work.  All I can think about is how scary it is going to be in a year and a half.  About how everyone expects me to find a good job, and how I don't even know if I will be able to find one at all.

Perhaps those 'golden days of college' are a myth.  Or maybe it's reserved for those Harvard and Stanford types.  Not us second, third and fourth tier law students.  But most parents don't know the difference.  I tried to explain it once to someone, but they just shrugged and pretty much said 'a law degree is a law degree'.  I remember at the orientation how someone who was talking about the joys of law school said:
"Don't worry too much about your class rank.  Even if you are dead last you'll still be called Esquire."
While that is true, is the title worth the money spent?  It's more of an honorary title if anything.  And, you still have to pass the bar in order to get it.  If you are dead last that might be a problem.  Of course the law schools don't tell you that. 

I have a feeling that the remark above encompass much of what my family thinks of law school.  It doesn't matter how well you do as long as you graduate, and if you do, you're set for life.  No matter what many of us tell our families, it is not believed.  And when we can't find jobs, and we try to say, "I told you so," they see us as the failure.  Or maybe they see it as bad luck.  After all, those lawyers on TV have jobs, and there are law offices everywhere!  How can there not be enough jobs?! 

I can't help but wonder how many other people have gone through or are going through a similar situation.  I am sure I am not in the minority.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Law School "Success" Stories!

This may be "the firm" that the lucky graduate found work at.

Tomorrow my school will be hosting a law school success session in which students from previous years class will come in and tell about how they found government, private, and firm jobs.  Well, it said "a firm job" which tells me that the graduating class of 2012 had one student who found a job in a law firm!  This is unprecedented and will make for some interesting discussion.  If hearing how a few students made it after law school is not enticing enough, they will be serving pizza.  Everyone is encouraged to attend!!!
"Get the inside perspective on finding a post graduate job from a panel of recent graduates.  Hear about their paths to success, including the steps they took throughout law school to position themselves for permanent and fulfilling post-graduate employment.  Our panelists will include graduates who landed positions in-house, in government and at a firm.  All classes are encouraged to attend.

Pizza will be served."
I don't know if I will attend this.  I already know that some students are able to find jobs after law school.  The fact that the school is encouraging us all to attend makes the situation seem all the more dire.  It's as if the school is saying "it's bad out there.  It's real bad.  But there is some hope." 

However, I honestly doubt that the law school will state that some of these individuals are connected.  That they were very likely on law review and/or moot court.   They could have graduated 20 years ago for all I know!  Furthermore, I expect a big banner stating a disclaimer that their results in no way guarantee similar results (even though we all know that-right?).  To be honest, I think that this is probably a method in which to make us feel better about paying very expensive tuition and shut us up for a couple of weeks.  However, I am reminded how bleak the legal economy is every single day in almost every class.  I hear the professors speak of how good they have it and I can only nod.  Yes, they do have it good.  Real good.

I have a feeling that most people are going to go to this thing and hear a handful of success stories and walk out feeling like a million bucks.  They are going to go to the nearest bar, get drunk, miss class the next day with a nasty hangover, sit in bed and smile because they heard some good news.  They may go to TLS (2012 award winner for worst web-forum) and tell the world that they are going to be big firm lawyers because ONE person showed up at the panel who worked in a firm.  And if that doesn't happen, he/she will find solace, because another panelist got into government. 

No, the panel will not mention that the government worker was the son of a judge, nor will it mention that the person in the firm was the daughter of a partner who figured that a top 100 school was good enough for her to work in the family firm.  It will not mention that all the unconnected people were probably in the top 10% of their class.  The connected individuals will likely say that they were in the bottom half or something to get the people really excited.

In the end, it should be a good way to advertise to those who are already paying tuition.

Friday 17 February 2012

Should You Skip Law School Class?

Sometimes I find myself becoming depressed about law school and figuring "what's the point?"  The jobs are barely existent, the economy is in shambles, and law school testing falls short of actually gauging a person's skill in legal knowledge (more on this in a future post).  Last semester I found myself missing a lot of classes, and I noticed my grades took a dive because of it.  Thus I realized, even though law school can be hell at times, I should not skip class.

Back when I used to go to I read divided posts saying either, do not skip class, or don't worry about going to class.  You can pass if you don't go to any class and study the book.  While that is true, you can pass, I think going to class and at least listening to the professor's long winded rants count for something in terms of grades.  I am not saying that listening to the professor's talk is worthwhile for anything else, but, hearing what they lecture on will give you an edge on finding out what you should be focusing on when it comes to reading.

Let's face it, by 2L year nobody really wants to go to class.  Anything else sounds funner.  Well, almost anything else (scrubbing walls for experience in a legal internship is not as fun as listening to a professor's antiquated jokes).  Law school is in many ways like a prison, and as I have signed up for my sentence by choice, I should be willing to do my time, lest I drop out.  Paying money to not go to class doesn't hurt the schools at all.  Sure, if you don't get a job it might hurt them, that is, only if you would have gotten a job the other way around.  There are chances you won't get a legal job of any kind whether or not you skip class, but skipping class only hurts your grade, and makes you feel like more of a douche during the end.  And let me say, when it comes to law school and looking back on your experience, one of the most important things is minimizing that feeling like a douche. 

By your second year, most of your highlighters have dried up and you have no motivation to buy more.  The classes don't seem as important.  The big theory courses have already been taught to you, and the competition has simmered down some.  Many people are in a state of absolute depression because they are now fully aware of their job prospects.  They have their first year grades, which has set the tone of where they expect to place when it comes time to graduation.  Many say that these first year grades are the most important, and I will say that I agree.  It is very hard to reestablish your GPA when 1/3rd of your grades are set, and it's very hard to do that first OCI unless you invent a time machine.  And if you can do that, you may be like me and wish you could travel further back and do something else with your life.

This is not my first post about skipping class, and for some reason, that post is quite popular.  In fact, many people search "law school skipping class" or "skipping class 2L" on Google and reach my blog.  But, like I said, skipping class may hurt only you and not the law school.  Also, once you miss a few classes, it's too easy to not go back, or to be scared to go back.  I fell victim of being scared that the professor would say "you've missed way too many courses," or that when I reappeared my cohorts would think "where has this loser been?"  Perhaps that would have happened, but it looks a lot better than a C or worse on your transcript (depending on where your school grades). 

The Law School industry, in my view, is quite broken.  However, there is no reason to make your life there a bigger hell than it already is.  You might as well at least try to make it to class, lest you're sure of dropping out. 

Unless, of course, enough students would be willing to 'walk out' and show the system that they need to change.  In fact, a law school walkout is something worth talking about in a future post as well...

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Law School Career "Services"

I walked into the career services office at my law school on a Thursday evening.  I had set the appointment a couple of days ago, and was excited to see what I would find out regarding job opportunities in my area.  I knew I was late in the search, in fact, my spring semester was already half way over, and soon I would no longer be a 1L.  I was late in the game, but I was still in it-barely.  The office seemed decent enough, with shelves of books on how to be a successful interviewee, JAG brochures, pamphlets about the wonderful programs that my school was offering.  But one thing that the room lacked was living breathing human beings. Where had they all went?

I stood in the empty room, looking around.  Perhaps I am too early, I thought to myself.  My appointment was not for another 5-7 minutes so I figured I would look around.  Maybe read some of those interview strategies.  I had seen them hundreds of times, but it was worth taking another look.  I grabbed a few different pamphlets, such as a resume building guide, and decided to keep them for later, to read on the bus home.  I sat down on the chair.  Comfortable, I waited and waited, not hearing a peep. They must be so busy helping the other students find great summer jobs!

As I surveyed the room, I heard a voice coming towards me.  It was a lady.  "Do you have an appointment," she asked.  She seemed friendly.  "Yes," I said, standing up.  "He will be with you shortly," she said, confirming my name.  I sat back down.  He's probably opening my resume right now and going over what I need to change.

After waiting another few minutes and thinking about what to say when I was summoned forth.  A jolly young man, perhaps my age (late 20's to early 30's) called me in.  He wore a big silly grin, as if he was excited for something.  Perhaps to help a student in need of a job?  I walked in the office.  "Have a seat," he said.  "Why are you here?"  I am here out of desperation, I need some legal experience, because learning theory alone won't land me a job!

"I am looking for a summer internship and have not had much luck," I said. 
"I see," he said, looking at his computer.  Youtube was open, in the middle of a video.  He moved the window aside, opening up the resume I had sent him a couple days ago. 

"Are you going to the auction tonight?" he asked, trying to start conversation.
"No, probably not," I said, having no interest in spending more money on the school than I already was. 
"It is going to be great," he said, trying to get me interested.  I nodded, waiting for him to get to my resume.  It's right there guy, go ahead, tell me what I need to know, oh career counselor!

He was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.  He then started to read it back to me.  "You went to school at..." he said. 
"Yeah," I replied.
He continued to go down the list, changing some of the fonts and indents, but nothing substantial.  He then continued with the small talk. Darn it!  I liked that helvetica font!

"So, what kind of music do you like?"
"Pretty much anything."
He noticed my last name, and commented that I had a name similar to a band he liked.
"No, I have not listened to him," I said, when asked about the band. 
"You should," he said, ignoring the resume.  Maybe he has a job opportunity for me working with that band?  Perhaps they are suing those kids who steal music on the internet!  I could do that!

"So, I am interested in a summer internship," I said.  "I have checked Simplicity and have applied for a few, but thought I should have my resume and cover letter looked over beforehand."

"Yeah?" he said, looking at his watch.  I had probably been in the room now for a total of six minutes.  Maybe 7, being generous. 

"Symplicity is good," he said.  "A lot of good stuff on there."  I began to wonder if this man was interested in the task of his job, being a career counselor, or if he was more concerned with making small talk.  I need to learn your ways, oh counselor.  Help me gain the knowledge that you are paid the big bucks to know! 

"Do you watch youtube?" He asked.  I could not believe it.  "Sometimes.  Do you know of any other good sites for finding jobs?"

"Symplicity is the best.  Check out this video."  He began playing the video he had paused from earlier, and then paused it again shortly after, as he noticed I was not really into it.

"Well, let me know if you need any more help," he finally said, standing up. 
"I was wondering about job searching strategies, if my resume is fine..."
"Go ahead and go over your resume and resend it to me," he said, leading me towards the door.  "So you're not going to go to the auction tonight?"  F**k your auction!

I was stunned.  What the hell had I set this appointment for?  What was the point of this man's job?  To sit and watch YouTube?  I mean, seriously, I am paying this man's salary.  I was pissed.  I did not need to waste my time in having someone change the font on my resume and telling me to go over it.  I did go over it, and I was not given any advice regarding what to change.  Is this seriously how a career services office works? 

I now left, realizing that the job search was 100% in my hands.  I knew that the career services office would not hand me a job, nor did I expect them to.  However, I figured a little guidance would be nice.  My lesson that night was that the legal job search was my task now, and pretty much my task only.  I stepped out of there, stunned.  What was the point in that?  I walked off. 

I wonder if he won anything at the auction that night.  He seemed to be excited about it.  As one of that school's top students at the time, I would have thought the school would have had some interest in seeing that I was employed.  But the interest instead was in the monetary gain that I was providing for the school.  I say again, f**k your auction!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

The Learned Hand Test

The Judge Hand Test, also known as the Learned Hand Test takes into account of cost-benefit efficiency as a decision rule.  The rule focuses on the question of whether something is worth doing from a legal standpoint.

The Judge Hand Test is used a lot in Torts cases, such as (insert case here, as I don't remember their names).  The Hand Test looks like this.

B < P x L
B = Burden (the cost of taking care)
P = Probability of Loss
L = Cost of Loss

Could one use the test to see if law schools were negligent in their business practices?  How about if students did not take due care in enrolling in law school?  Were the schools negligent in their advertising methods, which are sometimes said to be 'shady' at best? 

The burden of a law school in being truthful in advertising their numbers would be the lost revenue in less people enrolling.  There is no doubt that some students enroll in a certain law school at least partly because of the brochures which tout high incomes.  During periods of high unemployment and economic stagnation, law school enrollments (and graduate school enrollment in general) rises.  The burden of a law school in being forthright on employment data, pointing out that results are not typical, that all students are not accounted for, that 'other' means possibly working at Starbucks, McDonalds, or Pizza Hut, or that those who went back to graduate school could not find legal jobs, would be minimal.  Of course, the law schools would miss out on some money, and the demand would not as greatly outweigh the supply, therefore driving prices downward somewhat.

Next we look at P, the probability of loss.  The student has a decent probability of not finding a job after law school.  The student enrolled with the idea that they would be hired shortly after graduating (within 9 months at least) and make the average salary (somewhere around $70, but anywhere as high as $160,000).  However, looking at current employment trends, which law schools do not point out, the probability of finding such a job is very low.  Therefore, the probability of the student entering law school and losing tuition and loan interest is quite high.  Oftentimes people move cross country (ever hear of the Cooley migration? -- It's a beautiful sight that is often seen in Michigan three times a year, in which vehicles with a myriad of license plates arrive at the Cooley Campus.  It's been likened to the Monarch Butterfly migration, but is not as pretty).  That is one of the costs of law school.  Another one may be the higher cost of living in a new area, such as for students attending New York Law School because their hometown school would not take them (or did not promise them as high of a return).   Looking at the probability of loss, the student is likely to lose a great deal of money on this risky venture.  In fact, the student may find a job that didn't even require law school in the first place.  Hell, the student might not even put the JD on their resume and find a job!

The L, cost of loss, is extremely high.  At some schools, with tuition above $40,000, multiplied by three, the cost of loss for a student without scholarships (going at cost) will be around $120,000.  While many say this is foolish, the student probably figured that as a result of the information they read, regarding incomes up to $160,000, $120,000 can be paid easily in 2 years.  However, the student generally finds out within the first six or so months that their school isn't as prestigious as they imagined, and that the law school world is a brutal world with competition for unpaid internships where one scrubs a wall for experience is ultra-high.  And summer jobs that pay above $15 an hour are coveted.  Especially for a first year student.  The reality is, the cost of loss for the student is ultra high. 

The Burden (B) of the law school to change their marketing strategies is INSANELY lower than the the P (probability of loss) times L (cost of loss).  In fact, in a court setting using the Learned Hand methodology, the schools would be destroyed by this negligence standard.  If nothing else, this gives one something to think about as they make their way through those hallowed halls of law school, on the way to a Torts class, on a day when they could be doing something more profitable, such as a singing for tips on the subway. 

Sunday 12 February 2012

How much is too much?

Recently, thanks to Nando of, I was pointed to an article in the New York Times, CUNY Leader's Salary Outpaces Faculty. I was stunned to see that the salary of this individual is now over $600,000 a year, which includes a $90,000 a year (think: $7,500 a month) housing allowance. That's right, $7,500 a month for housing ON top of a massiave wage. And some people still claim that the education system is not experiencing a bubble? Do people honestly expect that this system will never collapse?

"He has also received a series of raises that have nearly doubled his base salary. His total compensation package, which includes a $90,000 housing allowance, is now just over $600,000. Last fall he was granted a 9 percent salary increase, at a time when some other college presidents had chosen to turn down raises out of support for campuses pinched by the economic downturn." -The New York Times

Who Is Paying the Price?

It is the student that pays the price for college, both at the beginning, through tuition, and at the end, through the lack of jobs and oversaturation of graduates in the market. The supply of degrees grossly outpaces the demand for those who hold degrees, and thus, hundreds of thousands of people are suffering. Student loan debt is through the ceiling, yet this is barely addressed, as many people still falsely believe that college is a golden ticket. Even today's youth seem enamored that they are part of the 'college crowd'. Images of big money dances around in their heads.

For example, on social networking sites, such as Facebook, students share their grades and the pride for the education that they are receiving. Their parents and grandparents, some of which never went to college and who saw the friends of theirs who went to college make it big, tell them that their lives will be wonderful because of it. Fat cat deans and administrators smile at this, laughing amongst themselves at those who blindly take out loans for tens of thousands of dollars, or those who use their parents life savings to attend college.

Ripped Off at the Community College...

I was always told that taking two years at a community college before transferring to a university was a good idea. At one time this was, but now even a community college is not cheap. While a few exist that have low rates, many charge almost $1,000 a class, and once you add room and board, a semester comes out to quite a sum. Of course, this is less than the big private universities, charging outrageous sums that increase yearly for no rhyme or reason. However, gone are the days where a community college education followed by 2 years at a university were a good value.

In Awe...

There are thousands of children dreaming of going to college. Their parents will continually tell them to to go school. They will be laughed at by their college going friends if they consider any other option. The idea of taking over father's lawn mowing company or the family painting company is mocked and ridiculed. Why learn a trade when I can be a lawyer? Why learn plumbing if I can learn physchology? Such ways of thinking are condoned, and even celebrated. Parents smile at the idea of their kids going to school. "If you won't take over father's store, then you had better at least go to college."

And these children are taught that all that matters is that degree. Some are taught that internships and networking will help, and it does help, but it does not guarantee success.

I can not help but wonder what the deans of these schools tell their kids when it comes time for them to make the college decision. I would imagine some are whisked away to schools like Harvard, where a degree still has power. Others may be set for life, living off of father's investment income, or playing Marco Polo in the pool on the family yacht.

What Should I do Then?

You, dear reader, should not stand for this kind of thing. You can make an informed choice when it comes to your education. You need to make yourself aware that the traditional college method is NOT the only way through life. There are many people who do not go to college and who are successful. If you put 4-8 years of your life and money towards starting a business instead of going to college, you would have a much better investment. Consider learning a trade, or entering a program that does not ask for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Consider taking over a family business or working with someone in the family if there is such an indvidual. If you do decide to learn a trade don't get ripped off by paying excessive amounts. Many schools are taking advantage of this bubble by popping up and taking your money. One person I know goes to massage school and has to take psychology classes to learn massage. This may be a sign of a rip off.

As a consumer on the verge of paying excessive sums to work for those who you paid you should make an informed decision. If you are going to law school think long and hard about your choice. Look at your connections and resources, but do not go blindly. The real legal job market, not the one that is in the law school brochures, is a terrifying place. Don't listen to the lemmings on top-law-schools who have no clue about the world out there. Many of those individuals are 0Ls with no clue what the legal market is like. Paintings of dancing bronies exist in their minds, and dollar signs light up their eyes. And they claim to be superior and unlike any before them.

Law school teaches you only a few things of value. One of them is research. Law school does not want you to research this information before you enter school, however. The schools want you to research what you can do with $160,000 a year, plus bonuses. They only want you to research the information they send you via e-mail or in the postal mail. However, you will make a much better decision if you at least know what you are getting yourself into before acting.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Law School as Prison

 This is the room in which we learned about Torts.

When I first started this blog, I was unsure what I would write about.  Surely, that is only so much that one can say about the whole law school experience, isn't there?  At least, that's what I thought at the time.  However, searching the internet and sitting in class, thinking not only of the legal reasoning that is taught to us, but as to the little intricacies of law school, I realized there is truly much to say.  I was also stunned by just how many legal blogs exist out there.  There are many from wide eye'd young kids who are just entering law school and are no doubt using the blog as a medium to brag to their contemporaries that they are going to law school, and then there are those who were hardened by the whole law school experience, much like a young man who emerges from prison and looks at the world.  I was the former; I am turning into the latter.

Law school can be likened to a prison (سجن) in many ways.  The Dean is the Warden.  You only sometimes see this individual.  He is talked about often, but rarely seen or heard from.  When something goes on in the law school, his name is generally on it.  When the paychecks are cut, his is the biggest.  He knows what happens in those hallowed halls.

The law professors are the guards.  They torture you with long readings and calling upon you randomly in class, hoping that you will stumble, so they can waterboard you.  I have been waterboarded three times during my first year.  Trust me, it was not fun.  The professors often claim that they love the law, and their jobs, but me thinks that they love their big paychecks, which, after the warden, is probably the next largest.  If you get 'good behavior' you get an extra 1-3 points.  Whatever the hell that means.

Next is the janitors. These men and women lurk in the halls generally during the morning and evening hours.  Outside they may be seen having a cigarette.  We prisoners refer to them as the 'lucky ones'.  These are the guys who got a job at the school after graduating.  Yes, rumor has it some were us law students at one time.  These individuals are sworn to silence, never able to whisper in the ears of a student how it's all a big hoax.  "You can escape at any time.  The exits are right there!" they long to say, but they can't, lest they would lose their jobs, which they had to beg and plead for so many years ago.

 Professor: "Let me see a show of hands for those who read the 130 pages on vicarious liability last night." 

Last on the list is the prison crier.  This nark is the kid that sits in the front and talks to the professors non-stop.  When a question is asked, the nark, also called gunner, will shoot answers out faster than you can raise your hand.  His answers are generally wrong or not even remotely on topic, but the prison guard/professor likes that anyway, because it saves him from having to talk for a while.  He smiles, adding that extra 1-3 points on the gunner's grade, knowing from experience that it will save the gunner from failing out of prison and returning. 

Of course, there are other players in the law school prison scheme.  It would not be complete without the prison law librarian and the guy who hangs out in the bathroom watching porn on his iPhone.  In the end, this three year sentence is on par with the life sentence that one may experience in the real "Big House", mainly because that probation (the law degree) follows you for life.

Friday 10 February 2012

Tough Job Market Means Law School Grads are Seeking NonLegal Work!

While searching the internet for information on the legal job market I came across a story from U.S. News and World Report, the entity that ranks law schools (and other universities).  While I would like to go off on this ranking system, which I find largely arbitrary and somewhat asinine, I wanted to focus on this very simplistic article. 

In Tough Job Market, Law Grads Use J.D.s for Nonlegal Work

"Typically, 10 percent of Yale Law School alumni work in a business setting five years after graduating, according to a 64-page Lawyers in Business guide the school publishes. And, jobs in management consulting, investment banking, and venture capital can earn young associates annuals salaries of $100,000 to $300,000, the guide states."
First, I realize that the article is talking about Yale Law School, which is in a different league than most of the schools most of us go to or went to.  However, it is the second part of the paragraph that made me chuckle.  The article acts like this kind of salary is the norm.  No wonder people are so duped into going to law school.  Studies have shown that people believe what they want to believe.  Seeing that even if you don't get a job in law, you can still go out and make up to $300,000 a year as a consultant or banker makes people think "well, law school is a no lose game". 

According to employment statistics on Drake University's School of Law website, 16 percent of the Des Moines, Iowa, school's alumni work in business fields nine months after graduation, and the website of the Boston University School of Law says 17 percent of its 2009 graduates working in law and business began their careers in academia and while 6 percent worked in business.
This paragraph fails to state the realty that 17 percent of Drake's class of 2009 graduates are not working in $100,000 to $300,000 consulting positions.  Many may be working at their father's trucking company washing trucks, others may be employed at Starbucks or Barnes & Noble.  Later on the article does state, about yet another school (Albany Law School), that:
"Other recent graduates are pursuing accounting firms, legislative positions, investor services, publishing houses, compliance and claims jobs, and court analyst roles," Mans says. "Salaries at these positions range from $43,000 to $105,000."
Again, this is not the norm.  One can not expect to go from a lower ranked law school to a $105,000/year job.  Of course, the article states "Salaries for these positions range..." which does not mean that those are the salaries that law graduates can expect to make.  However, many of the law school lemmings at top-law-schools will eat this stuff up and proclaim: even if I don't land a job in biglaw, I can expect to make big money!  Articles like these are the reason why the educational system is seen as a gateway to riches, and why our grandmothers are telling us "just stay in school, it will be worth it in the end."  

My class rank has plummeted.

So, to my surprise, this week it was announced that class ranks were announced.  I knew I would not fare good.  However, I had no idea I would fare so badly.  This is a 180 from my first semester, where I was in the top 1/4th.  Now I am near the absolute bottom of my class.  Frankly, when I saw it I was stunned.  Part of me wanted to break down, cry.  For a moment I began thinking of applying for graduate school and leaving law school.  Perhaps a masters in Economics/Finance or Mathematics.  I am sure that either of those would be a wiser choice than law.  However, as the night progressed, I came to terms with the fact that my rank has plummeted and I will never be able to get back to where I once was, and that I may never work as a lawyer.

First, going to law school was a stupid choice.  No doubt about it.  Based on the reading I have done in the past year and a half I can honestly say that I should have never went to law school.  Do I wish I never went to law school?  Part of me does, but another part of me knows that if I did not go to law school I would have always thought I failed for not going, and imagined that my life as a lawyer would have been glamorous.  I would have never searched for the scamblogs or learned the harsh reality of the law profession.  In my mind I would have saw an imaginary life that I missed out on.  And I would have lamented that probably for the remainder of my years.

But now, having gone to law school, my eyes have been opened to the reality that it was not I who failed, but the schools that failed to paint a clear picture of reality.  Now, don't get me wrong, I failed in the sense that I didn't get a high LSAT and got into a top school and made top 10% grades.  But, was that something that I would really have wanted out of my life?  Do I really want to be a big firm attorney?  I can not deny that the pay and the lifestyle that it would buy are impressive.  However, selling my soul for those kind of hours, for that kind of stress is in my eyes just not worth it.  I have, however, failed in the sense that I did not research the law profession before going to school.  In fact, if law school has taught me one thing, it is to research. 

In fact, it's somewhat ironic that law school teaches one to research so well, yet if we had researched in the first place, we would have never went.  That is, if we were smart.  Some of us, no doubt, think we will be different.  That we will get the good jobs, or that we will network hard enough.  But the reality is, one should not depend on stupid luck to get somewhere in life.  And for many who end up getting positions, that is what it will probably take.  Others, of course have certain connections or are masochistic, and law school is probably alright for that type of person. 

Law school was not right for me, but I ask myself what type of schooling was.  Perhaps I am thinking too narrow.  Maybe no type of school was right for me.  I have always thought of myself as a type of creative person.  I enjoy writing, drawing, music and that sort of thing.  I could have went to college for those things, but I did not think my skills in them were up to par.  So instead I chose law.  I am sure many people were like me in this regard.  Now I wonder if I should have went for something I was passionate in.  I mean, if I won't get a job with this degree, what would have been the harm with going for a degree in film or animation? 

So, am I upset I went to law school?  In the end, no.  It opened my eyes to the reality of life.  I have learned a lot in this process.  Now, has it been worth the price?  No way.  It is an overpriced lesson.  Even my Corporate Finance professor calls it a 'bubble', and there is no doubt it is.  Should have we not learned from the housing crash only a few short years ago?  I think so, and I think that this bubble is going to pop very soon.  And when it does, things are going to be very interesting. 

My class rank now puts me in the bottom 3/4th of my class.  It's time to reassess that which I plan on doing with my life. 

Tuesday 7 February 2012

The Real Legal Job Market

The real legal job market is quite perplexing for many.  Law students, especially in their second and third years, worry that they will not find a well paying legal job after graduation.  Stories exist all over the internet and in media stating that law school is a risky game.  Perhaps it is.  But, everything in life has some risk to it.  There are no lucrative career choices out there that do not involve some type of risk.  Law school is the same.

With that being said, many people are ending law school with underemployment or straight unemployment.  The newspapers love to tout stories about law students who were unable to find any type of work at all and are working in fast food or in other jobs that do not require a college degree.  Why?  Because such stories, even if somewhat rare, sell papers.  Newspapers exist to bring in advertising revenue.  Stories that evoke fear sell. 

However, as a law student, I am seeing that many of my peers are graduating with legal work.  I go to a second tier law school in New York.  Competition here is fierce.  We have many law schools in this city.  With that being said, I have found that law students who have a plan succeed.

One book I read: How to Win at Law School (which is an Ebook), helped me out a lot with realizing what I need to do to find a job.  Without stealing the book's thunder, I want to share some of what was said in this book.

First, you need a plan when going into law school.  Those who plan ahead will find success.  I have found that planning ahead in life had helped me out a lot.  For example, I knew that I wanted to transfer schools.  I went to a lower ranked school and at the time rank seemed important to me.  I have since learned that outside of a few schools rank is not that important.  However, I moved towards my plan and transferred to a much better ranked school.  I am happy with my move. 

Second, learning how to get good grades is going to help you a lot.  My grades have not always been that good.  However, my first year grades were decent and helped me transfer.  Good grades get me noticed.  They will get you noticed too, even if you don't have moot court or law review.  Many people let the lack of those things hold them back, but I have since realized that I am glad I did not take either.  First of all, Law Review does not guarantee that you will be published.  It's also an intense amount of work that may not be worth it in the end.  I have found that getting legal experience during law school helps out a lot.

Taking clinical classes and getting legal experience while studying has given me a huge edge on competition.  However, I am finding that those who do get legal experience in law school are way ahead of the game when it comes to getting a job.  Today's legal economy demands that students have relevant work experience after law school.  It demands that students are somewhat prepared for law work.  While not all my internship experiences were great, I am glad that I did take the time to intern.  I learned that law is a challenging field and that law school alone is not enough to get a good job.  I am finding that those who are upset with law schools are often those who did not get practical work experience in college.  I must say, what does one expect?  You are training for a job.  You have to get experience in school -- which means working.  It is your choice to do that or not.  Employers will hold you accountable.  Further, if you want to start your own law office after law school, having that experience is going to help you out a lot. 

I don't think the legal economy is as bad as the newspapers say it is.  I think that there will always be people who spread fear and people who do not find success.  Those who want to do well in life and who try will invariably succeed.  You have to be goal driven and forward thinking.  There are no easy ways to win at life.  It starts and ends with you. 

Again, to succeed in law school and today's legal economy, I recommend buying and reading "How to Win at Law School" and:
  • Realizing what you want to get out of law school.
  • Creating a plan for success.
  • Learning how to get good grades.
  • Prepare for the Bar Exam as you go through law school.
  • Get a lot of legal experience during law school.
  • Taking at least one clinical class.
  • Planning on getting letters of recommendation from at least three of your first year classes.
  • Doing something every summer.
  • Try to work at least one internship during the school year.
  • Maintaining a positive attitude.
  • Creating a goal notebook and checking it often.

Friday 3 February 2012

1L's are so cute...

It is always interesting to me how at the beginning of the semester there are so few people in the library.  I tend to study there, myself, as I like how quiet it is in the morning and I, for some reason, can not study at home.  Maybe it's the distractions.  Either way, I was in the library briefing some cases and could not help but notice there was someone next to me studying.  Being curious by nature, I decided to see what class she was studying.  It was contracts.  I noticed she had all her markers out, sticky notes of various colors, and a bevy of pens.  I smiled, thinking to myself about those 1L days, when everyone used to think of law school as a type of kindergarten. 

Then, on the way to tinkle, I noticed another person with loads and loads of notecards, and she was writing like a fiend.  Again, a 1L class, Torts.  I smiled, thinking "these 1L's are adorable".  I rarely, in the upper classes, see anyone doing this type of thing.  Everyone is a bit more lethargic and scared in the higher up classes, except for the few that probably make themselves feel better by going to top-law-schools and posting about how they are going to find a job, but nobody else will. 

I kind of miss the days when I highlighted in my Property book in 4 colors.  Blue for rules, pink for profound sayings, yellow for important parts, pen underlines for important facts, and green for policy.  Now I just scribble and read through furiously, wondering if this stuff will even be asked about on the test, or hoping that I don't get called on for the next class. 

I will say, law school was a lot more fun before my highlighters all went dry and my books looked like the rainbow.  In fact, I wonder what the people who bought them off thought when they received my old books.  If it was me, I would have been depressed, thinking to myself, awww I wanted to color in it.  In fact, it probably feels like you purchased a used coloring book.  Maybe not as many people are like this, but I was, and a ton of 1Ls seem to be.  Maybe it's a type of syndrome.  A side effect of the law school education. 

Law School Class Rank | Transferring Law Schools

I recently received the following e-mail:

Dear Upper Class Students,

                Class ranks are recalculated at the end of each fall and spring semester.  This cannot be done until all grades have been submitted by the faculty.  At present, three class rosters of grades have not yet been submitted by faculty to the Registrar.  This has been reported to the Associated Dean for Academic Affairs and  the faculty, according to faculty rules, are being fined $100 days per day per roster.  When the grades are submitted, I will re-calculate class ranks and send an email notifying you that you can find your new rank under Grade Point Average by Term in Web Advisor.  A class rank letter will also be mailed to you. 

 I could not help but grin at the thought of a law professor, who probably makes well over $120,000 a year being fined the massive sum of $100 per day!  Can you imagine?  Now, keep in mind that this letter was sent on January 14th.  As of today, February 3rd, there is still no class rank posted. 

What kind of motivation is needed then?  I do not think that the sum of $100 a day is going to do much, especially if he/she values being able to take the grading process very slowly and instead do whatever it is that law professors do.  It may be worth $100 a day to sit back and focus on other tasks, such as playing Virtual Boy, or whatever it may be.

Virtual Boy -- the greatest gaming system of all time!
In fact, this is not the first time something similar has happened to me.  During my 2nd semester, one of my professors was late in turning in exams.  Professors are often given a month's time to grade exams, and to be late on this, when people use their grades for jobs, transferring, and other professional tasks, seems irresponsible.  Professors get angry when their students do not know every little tidbit of the case, yet it's alright for them to be chronically late with exam grading?  We are not the ones being paid thousands upon thousands of dollars to teach a couple of classes using the same recycled notes from years past.  

Perhaps there are better ways to motivate a professor.  A wage reduction for chronic lateness in grading papers?  Being disbarred perhaps?  Maybe a caning like in Singapore?  Something along those lines would be more in line with the real motivation that is needed.  I say we take 'em all out back and flog 'em even if one is a second late!  That would make for a more interesting law school experience, and a better one for the students, I imagine.  A floggin' instead of playin' the ol' Virtual Boy.  It sounds like a plan!

The Importance of the Law School Class Rank

Why is the law school class rank so important?  Well, if you are lucky enough to do well it is said you have a better chance of getting a coveted "big law" job.  Further, if you are in a lower tier school, such as a third tier school, you can often transfer to a better school.  That being said, transferring law schools comes with its price.  You lose your scholarships.  You must weigh the costs and benefits of changing law schools.  Is it worth having the name of your school on your JD and looking for a job under that school's pedigree, or would you rather have a more refined name on your diploma?  For some, having a better school named on that piece of paper is very important.  Others care mostly about the debt they will carry.  Ultimately the choice is yours.

I would like to say that oftentimes the transfer doesn't really have a much better chance of getting a big law job.  For example, take a student who transferred from Golden Gate University in San Francisco to Seattle University in Seattle, WA.  Golden Gate University is a very low ranked school (fourth tier I believe).  Seattle University is a second tier school and is said to be regional in its reach.  If you are planning on practicing law in San Francisco or even California, you may want to stick with a school like Golden Gate University School of Law. 

Golden Gate University, entrenched in the fourth tier
However, if you are hellbent on practicing law in Seattle and you abhor the idea of having a fourth tier school being your alma matter, then you may want to transfer.  Again, you will probably (read 99% chance -- maybe more) lose your scholarships.  Further, if you did well at the lower ranked school, you may want to stay. 

You will want to weigh where you want to practice in your analysis.  In the above example, if you want to practice law in Seattle, you may want to make the transfer.  A Golden Gate University Graduate may not have a good chance of practicing law in Seattle.  Seattle is a very hard market to practice in I have been told, and students from schools in Washington such as Seattle University and Gonzaga University are having a hard time competing with students from University of Washington School of Law.

University of Washington School of Law
That being said, if you are going to Golden Gate University, you are competing against UC Hastings, University of San Francisco (now in the third tier), and Stanford.  Oh, did I forget UC Berkeley?  You're also competing with UCLA and some of Southern California's great schools.  Oh, and throw in Harvard and Yale, and even Columbia and the other big boys.  So, you are realizing that maybe this whole law school thing wasn't worth it.  I know I sometimes do.  So, do you want to transfer or do you want to cut your losses? 

In the end, I find that the whole law school thing is mind bogging and just plain upsetting.  Do you want to play a game in which you constantly trying to climb to the top.  If you are going to a low ranked school, you have to realize you are at the bottom of the pack, and to climb up from the fourth tier to the tip top and be lucky enough to get a job is not a small feat.  In fact, it's next to impossible.  And if you have the drive to do that, why did you not get into the top schools in the first place? 

Of course, I don't want to depress you, but it is something to think about.  If you are still a 1L and are thinking of transferring, ask yourself if there is anything you would rather do, and if that something is something you can do now, why not put the law school thing aside for a while?  It will always be there when you feel the need to come back.  However, the reality is, there may not be a want to come back once you find that you are truly passionate about something else.  Further, law school is not Perry Mason or Judge Joe Mathis.  In fact, Law School is a headache. 

Either way, think about it long and carefully.  And let me know what you think in the comments below.
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