Tuesday 27 November 2012

Is Law School Debt Making You Sweat Late At Night?

Have you ever woke up at around, say, 3:16 AM, thinking to yourself, "I am indebted by debt!"  I recently came across my law school debt number, which is quite large.  My first thought was "crazy!"  Then I huffed like my mother's Schipperke.  But, I realized at that moment there was really nothing I could do about it.  In other words, it was too late.  The damage has been done.

Have you caused damage to your own life?

There is nothing worse than waking up in the night realizing that you have basically chipped away at your life and sanity.  However, what's the point of fretting over it?  I could cut and mince my meat hoping that it would bring me feelings of joy.  However, that would do me no good.  I would not only still feel like a thirty pound walleye that had been thrust from the sea at the end of the day, but I would also be battered bruised and scarred.  Therefore, there must be another way to feel better and begin to heal the damage that has been dealt.

I realized that there were a ton of scamblogs already that talk about the issues that have presented themselves.  Those blogs do more than I am prepared to do in order to get attention to the issues.  I decided that I wanted to help some law students and graduates who already have amassed a "thirty FORTY FIFTY SIXTY pound Walleye" worth of debt grab the reins and whip their life back into control. 

I decided, while staring at a big six figure debt number, that I could let it bother me and eat at me, or I could say, "what does it matter?  My life is what it is.  I can still be happy, even with this huge debt.  I can still do things and accomplish much.  I will not let this debt hold me back."  To be honest, my debt is probably larger than most.  I could come up with many scenarios in my mind about the debt, but I have done that all my life with other things, and many of my fears never came to be.  In effect, I found that I worried about nothing, even though at the time my worries seemed substantiated. 

Therefore, I want the message of this blog to be, in essence, that you should not give up your life and dreams, and you should not worry, about your student loan debt.  I am in no way saying that it's alright that schools charge as much as they do for an education.  I am not saying that there are not too many law schools.  I am not saying that the numbers are not misleading.  I am saying that many people waste too much time in sorrow and worry and lose their own lives to that misery.  There is no reason a person should continue to live in misery if they don't have to. 

If the grim reaper visited you tonight, would your mattress stay dry?

If death came knocking at your door today, how would you look back at the last month, the last year, the last decade of your life?  Did you complain about your life, or did you spend that time with your family, your loved ones, your pets, your children, your ailing grandmother?  Would you be happy with what you did with the last few years of your life?  Would you do anything different?  Would all that worrying about your student loan debt been worth it?  What is the worst that can happen?  There is no debtor's prison.  Debt is not a crime.  In fact, debt is considered a risk of credit.  It is merely a side effect to giving credit.  It sucks for those who hold it, but should you, the debtor, allow it to control the aspects of your life that it has no business controlling? 

Lately I have been told that the "message of my blog has changed."  I don't like to think it has changed.  I like to think that my attitude has changed a bit though.  I have disabled comments for the time being as I was getting some rude and downright vile comments.  I figured that reading them did me no good.  I can read other people's thoughts on their blogs if I am interested.  Some of the commenters do nothing to actually bring about change, instead just being a nuisance on these blogs (and one thing I have learned in property law class is a nuisance is not a good thing and this blog is my property.  Do you really think I want a NUISANCE on my PROPERTY?).  I don't feel like fighting the commentors.  So, for now they are gone.  

What can you do now?

This blog isn't about what you should have done yesterday, about what you shouldn't have done three years ago, it's about what you should do NOW.  It's about what a student who is already neck deep in law school can do to make the most out of their life.  It's about how a person who is struggling with the sloppy seconds of life can do to get back to firsties.  This blog will not be popular with the crowd of "negative-nellies" but should hopefully bring something for those who are now saying "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH."  One can only complain about their plight for so long before diving in and saying, "it's time to climb out of my situation.  I have but one life to live, and I have to turn it around RIGHT NOW." 

Are you ready to turn your life around?  Are you ready to climb off the couch and perhaps make a big life change?  Are you willing to do something that may bring you out of your comfort zone?  If you are sitting on the couch and watching Jerry Springer while sending a resume or two out every few days, then HANG ON!  This blog is for you. 

If you are the troll who just comes to these sites and hopes to get your kicks by making a fool of yourself, and you are not willing to change your life, then sit back and enjoy a life of mediocrity.  This blog is for the big boys.  It's time to man (or woman) up.

Coming soon

-Ever been to Glacier, Yellowstone, Yosemite?  How about living with the bears for a while?
-Which countries are friendly to expats who might be wanting to find a change of scenery?
-Biglaw isn't as great as you may think.  An interview with the gun responsible for a Biglaw suicide.
-Tips to find a partner for life.  Even debtors need lovin'.
-Money Matters: how people spend themselves into oblivion, and how you can curb your spending.

...and much, much more!  Only on Epic Fail: Law School Disaster.

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