Monday 19 November 2012

The End of My Internship Draws Nigh

My internship is coming to an end soon, and for that I can't help but find myself feeling somewhat sad.  I learned a lot doing this unpaid internship.  I feel a lot more confident than I did a few months ago.  Everyone there has been really nice and supportive of me.  In short, I really enjoyed my time there.

I was really scared to do an internship at the beginning of the semester.  My last one didn't go as well as this one did.  I felt more like a slave at that one.  Here I feel respected and valued.  Maybe it's because this is a non-profit organization instead of a for profit firm.  I can now see why people would rather work in this kind of environment.  There is no pressure to perform for money at this internship.  Instead, people seem more motivated by helping others.  I like that.  Sadly, I don't think there is a place for me in this office.  They are not hiring right now, and if they were, they have a ton of interns who would gladly take the job. 

I am buckling down for finals.  I am also getting ready for Thanksgiving.  I am really excited to have some time off to work on my writings and to get some finals studying out of the way.  One more semester left, then it's off to start looking for a job and taking the ol' bar exam.  I can't say that I am not nervous, but I am remaining optimistic.

Tomorrow I have to wake up around 4:00 AM for school as I generally do on Tuesday and Friday (won't have to this Friday though, as I will be off).  As far as Black Friday, I don't know if I will be doing much.  I might go to Macy's in Manhattan, so if you want to meet me, I'll be there with my female companion. 

On November 18th, 2012 the Wii U game system by Nintendo came out.  I remember back to the day when I was playing Super Mario Bros.  Then it was Super Mario Bros 2.  I also remember getting the third installment around the time of Desert Storm.  I remember my mom played The Legend of Zelda all night long during that war and then vowed to never play video games again.  Zelda became my thing. 

Then it was the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.  What a system!  It was probably my favorite of all time.  The best games were on there, beginning with Super Mario World, Donkey Kong  Country (and Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest), Final Fantasy IV and VI, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana.  Wow!  Those were the days.

Then in High School I was stoked to get the Nintendo 64.  I was kind of emo at that time, and probably threatened suicide if I didn't get it.  I got it the day it came out with Mario 64.  I owned that game and then some.  I used to race my sister on Mario Kart 64.  She was really young back then.  If she didn't win she would throw a huge tantrum.  It was kind of funny.

Then I got a Game Cube when I was in undergrad.  I didn't play it too much due to being busy with school and living on my own.  I had a roommate then and he kind of hogged it.  I never got a Wii, instead opting for a Playstation 3.

What's the point of this story?  Well, I may one day get a Wii U, but probably once the price goes down and my financial situation improves.  I may have to start working before then, and then I wonder if I will have much time to play it.  Time will tell. 

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