Friday 9 November 2012

Positive Thinking

I need to change the way I think about my life.  I must say, as this has been the third year of law school, I have been happier as a student, not so scared of my future, and realize that my life is a blank canvas.  I am still young enough to change the route I take in life.  In other words, there's no sense on me being negative all the time.  It's time to think positive.

I have rarely met a person who was happy with life who did not live well.  Optimistic people seem to do better in life.  Even when they are in a rut, they think positive.  Positive people usually can sell themselves and befriend others.  While I am not a people person, I realize that I can change.  Even crazier, I am seeing the importance in changing my outlook on the world.

I have been researching positive thinking and how it improves one's life.  I think the scamblog movement is full of people who are too negative on themselves and the world.  I think that, while many people have been hurt by student loans, they need to look FORWARD, not backwards.  There is no reason to dwell on the past.  The future holds infinite opportunities.

Many of us are getting older.  Some of us are having children, getting married, or hoping to achieve these goals.  Why not leave the past behind us?  Or, at least try to think more positive?  I have realized that women (and men) don't care for a partner who is always negative.  If you are constantly telling the world you are a failure or you are worthless, you will probably be alone forever.  You have to have something to give. 
Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:
  • Increased life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Lower levels of distress
  • Greater resistance to the common cold
  • Better psychological and physical well-being
  • Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
It's unclear why people who engage in positive thinking experience these health benefits. One theory is that having a positive outlook enables you to cope better with stressful situations, which reduces the harmful health effects of stress on your body. It's also thought that positive and optimistic people tend to live healthier lifestyles — they get more physical activity, follow a healthier diet, and don't smoke or drink alcohol in excess.  Source:  Mayo Clinic Website.
It's not only health benefits that "positive thinking" results in.  Positive thinking helps in a career and financial sense too.  I have known many wealthy individuals who think positive.  They are sure of themselves and their abilities.  They know that they will make something of themselves no matter what obstacle is in their way. 
How to Create a Positive Outlook
It's been said that "attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." I couldn't possibly agree more. Your mind is a thought factory, and the thoughts it produces become your actions in life. Produce positive thoughts and you'll find ways to move forward to your goals. Produce negative thoughts and you'll wallow in stagnancy. Here's how to build a positive outlook:
  1. Become aware of your thoughts. Listen closely to that voice in your head. When you think, "I can get out of debt" or "I can be a millionaire," how does the voice respond? If it says, "No you can't, and here are a list of reasons why," then you have at least a partially negative factory. That's okay; becoming aware of that is the first step toward change.
  2. Force your mind to think positively. Just like a real factory can stop production or begin building a new product, your mind can begin creating positive thoughts. One of my favorite quotes on this says, "Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can't be." Begin by simply searching for ways to approach a problem. Your brain is extremely complex and intelligent, and it will naturally begin to find solutions.
  3. Speak positively. If anyone asks what you're focusing on in life, don't be bashful about telling them your goal. If they begin giving you reasons why it isn't possible, don't be afraid to tell them that you're sorry they don't agree. Remember, this is your life; you'll be the one to enjoy the benefits or face the consequences of what you do today.

    Source:  U.S. News
 There are some people who seem to have a hard time being optimistic.  Many people have been trained via family to think in a negative way.  Many individuals have been raised with parents who always thought negative.  Generally I see this with many poorer individuals.  Rich parents tend to think positive and their kids, in turn, tend to as well.  This is not always true, sometimes there is a "bad seed" growing. 

I have had a problem myself with being pessimistic.  I realize that I am going to have to change that right away if I am going to be successful in life.  I may not ever get a legal job, BUT I am going to do my best in law school anyway.  No matter what challenges are before a person, one can not sell themselves short.  While there are negative aspects to the student loan system, and while it's insane what schools charge for tuition, and it is very true that there is a huge glut of legal jobs compared to the excessive amounts of people graduating.  Despite the fact that some people feel the need to turn to prostitution to service their student loans, I can not let the negativity consume me and destroy my own life.  I have to keep my thoughts positive and do as best as I can.  I have to tell myself that even if I never practice law, my life is not set in stone, and I could end up being a huge success with something else - something that may not require a degree of any kind.  So what I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on law school?  That's in the past now.  I can never change that.  There is nothing I could ever do to make that different.  Why should I kill myself fretting about it? 

Some people enjoy thinking negative.  They let negativity consume them with every passing thought.  I have a sister that is like this.  She is negative about men and only attracts guys who emotionally abuse her.  She is negative about her prospects in life, about her body, and has ended up being sexually used by many men as the years have passed.  She moves from marriage to marriage, hoping to find Mr. Right, instead finding men who treat her like garbage.  There is no way she will ever change that without changing the way she thinks about the world.  She won't change what she attracts until she starts telling herself she is better and she is going to find a great guy.  But I don't think she will ever think that way.  Her mindset is that she is "used up" with many kids from many men, and that no good man would ever want her. 

On the flip side, I have seen people who tell the world that they are good enough for a great relationship and they end up in happy marriages that last.  They set goals for themselves to have a family, to work towards something, and to start a business.  And they are able to.  They don't let the thoughts of others nor do they let their past experiences stop them.  We all fail a lot in life, but we can't let those failures consume us.  Maybe I failed by going to law school.   Maybe you did, too. That doesn't matter now.  What matters is how you spend today and tomorrow.  You may have lost a lot of money going to school, BUT you should not stop living.  You should not think that your career prospects are destroyed.  You should not think that it is impossible for you to start your own business.  Not all businesses require huge start up costs.  There are millions of small businesses out there one can start without capital expenditure up front.  Some can be started for nothing.

I had a lot of fun with this blog.  But, all things come to an end.  I don't want to end my law school experience by calling it or myself a failure.  It is what it is, and I don't know the future.  All I know is that I am where I am now, but soon I will be done with that.  I may decide to do something different with my life, altogether.  Nothing matters enough for one to destroy their minds over it.  And with that I am done. 

Thanks for reading. 

Update:  I may continue this blog, but in a different capacity.  I like the idea of "being a frugal law student" and saving money.  That's something that I think I can pass on to other law students, as few law students as a whole seem to be openly frugal or to embrace a lifestyle of frugality.

I may also try to will also definitely be more positive in the future.  So, be sure to check back if you enjoyed reading.
  I hope to continue with the same "funny tone" that made this blog loved by many others. 

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