Monday 8 July 2013

Attack of the Special Snowflake Excuses (They know, but go)

Good news and bad news. The good news is I think we won Round One. By "we", I mean those like RAB and Adam B, and all the others who have spoken on the false promises of the student-loan debt + J.D. outside of HYS combination. We have now established a new view, that law school is an uncertain thing to pay your time or money for.

But that has not stopped the influx of suckers. Recently a "hot girl", or attractive young woman, told me that she was in fact an upcoming 1L law student. Before I could react in horror, she said she worked at a law firm already as a legal secretary and would be having an attorney position waiting for her when she graduated. She then added that "law school is a really bad idea otherwise".

So she knows, but goes. I think even until quite recently the 1L would have been far more cheery and oblivious to reality than today. The message of the legal economy has sunk in, but as noted elsewhere, there are still over 48,000 new law students each year. They are still going; now, however, they have excuses. I feel there will be more excuses, perhaps 48,000 of them: "dad" runs a firm, special experience, full tuition scholarship, etc. Every special snowflake has a father who is a hiring partner, (or doesn't care about money "that much"), it seems, just like every anonymous man on the internet is over six feet tall. The unfortunate fact is that there is some truth behind all of their excuses: a hot girl with a job lined up may be safe. But there are still twice as many graduates as new jobs available, and that does not take into consideration the declining standards and income as the profession is inundated with too many job-seekers. The Special Snowflakes, it seems, are still going; they just now need to make up an excuse to except them from the horde of other clueless suckers. Then they get to feel good in the short-term! That is what life is about.

Experience is harsh teacher, but a patient one. Whatever your excuse, 0L types, consider whether it is merely wishful thinking.

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