Monday 8 July 2013

New News & Old News


Conditional Scholarship Scam

"The Law Schools Where You're Most Likely to Kiss Your Merit-Based Scholarship Good-Bye," by Staci Zaretsky (Above the Law)

"Conditional Scholarships and Scholarship Retention for 2011 - 2012," by Prof. Jerry Organ (Legal Whiteboard Blog)

"Which law schools were most likely to yank merit-based scholarships?" by Debra Cassens Weiss (ABA Journal)

Money Quote from Staci Zaretsky: "Now that information like this is readily available online, perhaps fewer people will be able to claim that they were lured to attend law school with false promises of scholarship money. Sure, you may be a special little snowflake who thinks you'll be able to overcome the odds and beat the curve, but with hard data staring you in the face, it'll be just a little bit harder to keep going with such faulty logic. But then again, if you do, it may be the reason why you lost your scholarship in the first place."

Ouch. Hard way to learn what a "bait & switch" is.


False Deadline Scam

Speaking of merit-based scholarships, here's a deal you should probably still refuse...

"Act Now," by Laura Ingeno (Inside Higher Ed)

Money Quote: "We are in the wild, wild West."

Washington University School of Law sends emails to applicants who had previously turned them down offering a full three-year ride if they accepted within 24 hours. 

Note to prospective law students: Artificial deadlines are typically imposed by the other side in a negotiation to instill a sense of urgency and force a bad decision.


Great overview of how Sallie Mae became privatized while at the same time student loans become non-dischargeable in bankruptcy for those of you asking yourself, "well, how did we get here?"


Money Quote: "Butzel Long PC has received federal relief for its pension plan that's underfunded by more than $9 million. The Detroit-based law firm announced Wednesday that the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) will assume assets and management, including the payment of benefits, for the Butzel Long Employees' Pension Plan. The grant will allow for 'competitive compensation necessary to maintain its business' according to a news release from Butzel Long.'"

Butzel Long, of course, represents clients in front of the PBGC. Well played, Butzel. Lemmings, take note: The legal market even for Big Law is collapsing.


Money Quote: "[T]he job of legal secretary is simply less necessary than it once was....These days a computer and a template can do most of the tedious formatting work, and spellcheck and a good proofread will catch the typos....the associates type their own damn briefs and massive document management systems keep the paper flowing."



Richmond Law's Brilliant/Lame Lemming Recruitment Ad:

Money Quote: "The lamest law school ad of 2013."

Money Quote: "At a moment when law schools are suffering from a crisis of confidence and a lot of applicants are wondering if law school is a bad deal, the boasting resonates."


And McGeorge Law's "Downsizing." Isn't the proper PR spin "Rightsizing"?

"McGeorge Law School downsizes student body and staff," by Mark Glover (The Sacramento Bee)

Money Quote: "[T]he school's dean, Francis J. Mootz III, issued a statement, through McGeorge spokeswoman Bethany Daniels, about the reductions. That statement read: 'In response to the unprecedented drop in applications to law schools across the country, McGeorge School of Law is reducing the size of its student body.'"

Isn't the correct spin term "right sizing"?

"McGeorge law schools says it will shrink by more than 40 percent," by Mark Glover (The Sacramento Bee)

The school is right sizing from 1,036 students in fall 2010 to about 600 in the next three years. Bravo.

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