Monday, 15 July 2013

Why I am now a Law School Shill‏

Ok, this one is serious: I officially change my colors and announce that I henceforth will be a law school shill. I no longer wish to expose the law school scam, but rather to hide it, cover it up, distract and blame others for it. This may be shocking to many of you, especially our tenured readers. Allow me to explain my change of heart and mind, so I am not second-guessed. Do not attempt to persuade me otherwise, I am resolved to do what is right. 

The problem is the "scam", as the others on here refer to a solid legal education, has been so exposed already, and is now so obvious of its true nature, that it is hardly even a scam anymore. You may have read the increasing number of comments that go like this: "If anyone graduates after [sometime after the commenter graduated], they deserve what they get. Back in [when the commenter matriculated] nobody would have known, but now they should, so too bad, so sad." I find this logic to be solid, and will count this as an unblocked roundhouse given to the scambloggers' pouty faces. 

Now, in addition to that argument, I have another, more personal: the scam is so blatant, and has been so ridiculed and left to be wondered at, that there is nothing really for me to add. Could any rational creature—rational even by partially-hairless ape standards—think that "hanging a shingle", after reading the multi-essay exposure by one of the other posters here, is a non-laughable proposition? "Hang a Shingle" is, just on sound and phrase alone, totally stupid and nonsensical. Do you Frosted Flakes really think that you will just graduate with $200k in non-dischargeable debt and no practical skills besides antediluvian "Shelly's Case" concepts and somehow compete with established attorneys in a dying and flooded market in the midst of a permanently "changing" (i.e., shrinking) economy? It boggles the mind that anyone could be as stupid as to think they could avoid the brutality of the legal market by "hanging a shingle". I have to say that I would rather display courage, like the real man that I am (now that I am a shill, I can say that proudly), and take the challenge of defending the scam. At this point, anyone could be a scamblogger. But who could defend the system? It takes real skill to help out the Joanie twins in their quest to keep up pretences.

You scambloggers pretend to have reason (gee, where did you learn that skill, hypocrites? LOL). How about this bit of reality for you: If everything you scambloggers say is true, then it is false. That is, there is no problem as far as law school goes, because all of its dangers are now known. For instance, if the law school promise of good employment outcomes is exposed as a lie, as it has been, then it is no longer believable because it has been exposed. So the employment stats, if true, mean there are still good outcomes for law graduates; if false, then we already knew that, thanks to suckers like you-know-who on that other blog. Anyone who relies upon an exposed lie is a fool and in a sense has victimized themselves. Fool me once, shame on you . . . but we the students have already been fooled once! 

The second time is our fault. The first round of fooling has ended, and we have told the world of how evil those big bad Joanies in Rude York city were to us and our feelings. If the "Stupid Snowflakes" (as they should really be known) still fall for it, how is that a scam? It is no more a scam than when someone jumps off the Golden Gate Bridge. It is known if you jump off the Golden Gate Bridge, you die when you hit freezing water at nearly one hundred miles per hour. If you still choose to do so, whose fault is that, but yours? Law School is like a tall bridge over shark-infested water; you could jump, but don't call it a scam. You spin the wheel, you take your chances on red or black. As far as I am concerned, the scam is over. It is now too obvious to hide behind any more excuses. The scambloggers have put themselves out of business.

Admin, shut down this site!

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