Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Craigslist: Legal Assistant Wanted, Bilingual, $7.25 an hour!

Recently, in my legal job search, I am finding that Craigslist is often not as fun as it used to be.  Now, looking for a job is somewhat fun.  I mean, you have to get yourself to think of it that way, or it will tear you up.  Many people get all depressed when looking for a job, and law graduates are not immune to this type of depression.

With that in mind, I give you this posting.  It's a legal job in Manhattan that offers the lucky bilingual individual who lands it a handsome salary of $7.25/hr.  Now, let me give the hundreds of people with a J.D. who e-mail this guy some advice.  Do Korean or Chinese doc review instead.

As you can see, the Korean doc review (which pays $60 an hour).  You get paid more an an hour here than you would make in a 8.5 hour day at the law firm above. 

Of course, if you are applying to the above job without a J.D., the above doc review gig is irrelevant, as you could, according to the ad, get the job with having yet gone to law school.  In that case, it may be good experience. 

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