Thursday 6 September 2012

1L continued, Part III: Law School Love Notes

Do love letters have a place in law school?
Sometimes I used to think of getting together with Little (gorgeous) Darcy "Hookhands" as she is known here.  I wrote about her before on my blog.  Anyway, I never was good at approaching women and many Torts classes were spent with me looking over at her.  When she would raise her cute little hook into the air, I would always stare at her.  Sometimes she would catch me and I would blush.  But I don't know if she thought I found her attractive or if I was just gawking at her custom made high grade stainless steel hooks. 

I still remember where her locker was.  While mine was on the first floor of the school, hers was on the second floor.  Locker 212, close to the end (for easy access).  Why do I remember her locker number?  Well, you see, I was going to write her a love note and slip it in.  I wanted her to "be my woman."

Anyway, I remember I was briefing the case Hook v. Hook and I just could not keep my mind off her.  I ripped a sheet of paper out of my notebook and began to write her a letter.  I remember trying my hardest to make sure my handwriting looked good.  Further, I didn't know if I should put my name on it or 'secret admirer' as sometimes things get around law school fast.  Well, I figured I'd decide later, and I began to write...

"Dear Darcy,

I just want you to know I am always impressed by your intelligence in each of our classes.  You have a unique gift and I know you are going to have amazing grades/class rank at the end of the year [it was hard for me to not say something about her looks here].  I also want you to know that I would welcome the prospect of going steady with you.  I have always, ever since I first saw you at the orientation picnic, thought you were something of an amazing girl [I highlighted amazing with my purple marker].  I have never written a note like this to anyone, and I was wondering if you could make sure that if you don't want to be with me, by chance, that you do not let anyone else know about this note.  If you are interested in being with me, please initial below and slip this note back into my locker, 125, and I will take that as valuable consideration to date you. 


Your secret admirer"
I remember chuckling to myself, thinking that if Darcy slipped the note in my locker, but later played coy or backed out, that maybe I could get specific enforcement of our little "contract" to date.
I guess I could have got a card saying "I'm hooked to you" instead.

Sadly, I never sent the note on to Darcy.  I was always too shy that someone would find out and the whole school would think I was a creeper or something.  Plus, I am sure that Darcy had a lot of people tease her throughout the years about those hooks.  I wish I would have took the time to just talk to her and maybe go about being with her the regular way.  But I am not that kind of guy, I guess.  I guess that the truth is it's hard to be confident when you are dealing with a beautiful woman who has hooks for hands.  Either way, I have tried to look her up and sometimes I think of e-mailing her and asking about her life (she dropped out after 1L).  Then again, maybe she wants to put law school and everything and everyone it entailed behind her.

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