Saturday 22 September 2012

Looking for Law Students who can Write!

This was another ad that I came across on Craigslist.  It was an ad for a law student who could blog.  I thought to myself, "I blog," but then I read the ad.  Sadly to say, this guy sounds like a real card.

Looking for Law Students Who Can Write ( New York)

Date: 2012-09-14, 4:03PM EDT [Errors when replying to ads?]

I am looking for law students who can write well.

I am looking for law students to write blog posts that will help market my law firm. I'm a very good marketing student and law students who are selected to join me will, over time, learn how to market a law firm while still in school.

Here's the deal:
I need three blog posts per day, five days per week. Each blog post requires finding an article on a topic involving medical malpractice or personal injury in New York. The blog post consists of 300-400 words together with a link back to the original article. Learning how to blog will be one of the best ways for you to learn how to communicate with your ideal consumer or client.

It should take you no more than 30-40 minutes to crank out three blog posts each day. Reading these articles and summarizing them will make you smarter, more educated and have a better concept of information that people want and need.

Blogging can be done from your apartment, your dorm, the law school library or anywhere. You'll be compensated $150 per week. If you are a superstar, you will receive a letter of recommendation from me when you head out into the real world and look for a job.

Here are the instructions you must follow.
Failure to follow these instructions will immediately result in your reply being discarded:

1. Find me an article in today's news about medical malpractice or personal injury in New York. Summarize it as if you are writing a blog post for your ideal consumer, which in this case is an injured victim looking for information. Do not talk about you or me or how many years I have been in practice. Focus the blog post on the reader and include the link to the original article.

2. Then SEND me the blog post together with ONE paragraph about why you believe you're the right law student for me.

3. Do NOT send me your resume. I don't care where you worked before. Nor do I need to know your extracurricular activities or what your grades were from middle school.

4. In your reply, make sure your headline reads "I am a law student who wants to write for you." Failure to include this in your e-mail means I will automatically discard your reply.

5. You will be competing with many other law students. Only two will be selected.

Good luck.

Law Office of Gerald Oginski
25 Great Neck Rd., Ste. 4
Great Neck, NY 11021
(Don't even think of calling)
E-mail reply only.

Part of me wanted to call this guy up and ask for the job.  I thought it would be funny.  I mean, really?  "Don't even think of calling?"  Is he serious.  Maybe I read too much into these ads, but I could not believe how uppity that person seems.

Also: He wants people to send him blog posts right now.  He is basically getting free labor.  Who knows if he will ever choose someone and instead just let the blog posts flow in.  Again, maybe I read too much into these things, but I honestly think it is going to take more than 30-40 minutes to find three articles, research the articles, then write 300-400 words on the article.  $150 a week ($600 a month) is not a horrible salary for a law student who may not be working, however, it seems that he is asking for a lot more work than he thinks he is. 

I realize Craigslist is not the place to look for work.  Why is that?  Well, the SAME GUY posted a similar ad on 8/29, a MONTH ago looking for people to do the same thing!  I think he may be collecting articles:

Really Smart Law Students Needed (New York)

Date: 2012-08-29, 4:51PM EDT [Errors when replying to ads?]

If you haven't realized it yet, online marketing is so important for attorneys. If you learn how to do it before you graduate, you will be way ahead of your competitors when you go into practice. If you want to earn money while spending time learning the law and learning how to market YOURSELF, this could be the best job you've ever had.

I am a solo practitioner who ranks in the #1 organic search position on Google for very competitive search terms. I have multiple blogs and websites about New York medical malpractice and personal injury law. I am looking for law students to blog multiple times a week about medical malpractice and personal injury; it need not be about New York law.

I am looking for law students to blog about newsworthy topics on medical malpractice and personal injury and importantly, how that information could be helpful to injured victims and their families.

If you like to educate and help people understand the importance of current legislation; news items on a local level; victims' rights and similar topics, then this job is for you. What is really cool about this position is that you can do it from your dorm; your apartment; your basement, or the law library during a break between Con law and torts.

This is a great job for someone who is internet savvy, hardworking, diligent, on-time for appointments and trustworthy. (If you are the type of person who needs to be prodded or cajoled to finish a project, then I don't want you.)

I know how law students think (I was one myself) and how cool it would be to earn extra money while learning how to market yourself online which is a great education you simply don't get in any law school today.

I need three (3) fresh new blog posts a day. Each blog post will be approximately 350-400 words. You will learn how to focus on the reader, not you as a lawyer, and importantly how you can help your reader learn more about an issue or problem. There are only 2 positions available. Those selected for the initial try-out period will be required to write 2 blog posts and the two finalists will be chosen based upon what they have written.

To see some of my stuff, check out, and my blog

To apply, email me (make sure you can spell and write English properly, and that doesn't mean relying on Word or Pages to point out your spelling mistakes or improper grammar) a blog post on medical malpractice or personal injury. (One last thing; don't even think about plagarizing or copying entire sections of news articles, because if you're contemplating doing that, I don't want you.)

The subject line must read: Law Student Wants To Blog

In your email tell me that you are willing to write and learn how to market yourself online.

Be forewarned- I will check you out online, and if your life revolves around you getting trashed and having pictures of you acting inappropriately, don't even bother applying.

Emails only. No resumes. I am ready to hire right now.


The Law Office of Gerald Oginski, LLC

25 Great Neck Rd., Ste. 4

Great Neck, NY 11021


So, again, I say: this guy seems like a real "card".  And yes, I think he's collecting students work for free.  Thanks for reading.

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