Saturday 1 September 2012

What is a bankrupt, father?

"What is a bankrupt father?" asked Eugénie
"A bankrupt," replied her father, "is guilty of the dishonorable action that can dishonor a man."
"It must be a very great sin," said Mme Grandet, "and our brother will perhaps be eternally lost."
"There you are with your preachments," her husband retorted, shrugging his shoulders, "A bankrupt Eugénie," father continued, "is a thief whom the law takes under its protection People trusted Guillaume Grandet with their goods confiding in his character for fair dealing and honesty; he has taken all they have, and left nothing but the eyes in their heads to cry over their with. A bankrupt is worse than a highwayman; a highwayman sets upon you and you have a chance to defend yourself ; he risks his life besides, while the other -- Charles is disgraced in fact."

The words filled the poor girl's heart; they weighed upon her with all their weight; she herself was so scrupulously conscientious; no flower in the depths of a forest had grown more delicately free from spot or stain; she knew none of the maxims of worldly wisdom, and nothing of its quibbles and its sophistries.  So she accepted her father's cruel definition and sweeping statements as to bankrupts; he drew no distinction between a fraudulent bankruptcy and a failure from unavoidable causes, and how should she?
Honoré de Balzac, Eugénie Grandet 108 (1833).

It is interesting to note that a bankruptcy is not allowed for student loan debt.  If a bankrupt is so horrible, so vile, then what can be said about someone who is not even allowed to discharge their debts?

The other day I posted about how I was happy to be back in law school.  I am trying to change my outlook on the world little by little.  I am trying to enjoy the 'small' things in life.  You see, without enjoying anything, we get bogged down and depressed.  Some of us may even think of suicide.  One must enjoy their lives as much as they can or they will go slowly insane.

I am challenging myself to find joy in every part of life.  I must say that it is so far working.  I feel more energized and more alive than I did being upset about it all the time.  There are no guarantees in life, but I might as well try to think positive and enjoy my short time here on Earth.  I really do not want to turn into an angry person as I get older.  I feel that it all begins in my mind. 

Someone said I am not a true scamblogger on one of my comments.  I don't know if I am truly a 'scamblogger' or not.  I never really thought of myself as one.  Right now I am just a law student who is sometimes afraid of the future.  I never claimed to be someone with all the facts and figures at hand.  I am sorry if I have disappointed you.  I am who I am, nothing more, nothing less.  Right now I am a 3L wondering what next year will hold.  Right now I am writing my life on this blog, sharing it with all those who care to read about it.  I sometimes have ideas of things to post which I think others may find entertaining.  However, the reality is, I am working through law school with the same hopes that many of my readers had.  I like to think that my expectations of the future are more realistic than many other law students, especially the ones who think and dream of glamor and prestige all day long.  I may have, at one time, thought the law profession would give me that.  However, I have come to terms with reality that many young people dream far too big, no matter what career they go into, and some of us were lead to think that we would end up rich.  However, life is not like that, and as one grows older they realize that not everything that seems to glitter is truly gold.

So, I am going to try to enjoy my last year in law school and at least know that I went out trying.  I am borrowing a lot to do it, and I might as well know I did my darnedest. 

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