Tuesday 25 September 2012

A day in the life of a law student.

There is not much for me to write about law school lately, as I have been out of school due to some holidays that have closed my school down for various days these last two weeks.  One is called Yom Kippur, which has just begun!  I looked it up and got to know about it a bit, as I think it's important to stay abreast of these things.  So, to all my Jewish readers, Happy Yom! 

Now, onto business. I decided I would post an average day of mine in law school.  Many 0Ls read this blog and are curious as to what a person in law school does.  Well, law school is not much different than undergrad, except you work a LOT harder and you have to be ready at all times to get called on, lest thee make a fool of yourself in class.

So, here is my schedule for what I do in law school.

8:00 - 9:00 AM: Arrive to school.  I usually start my day with a nice bowel movement at the far stall in the restroom.  Afterwards I go from my locker to the library and study for my first class.

9:00 - 12:00: I have classes during this time.  Depending on the day, the times and classes are different. 

12:00 - 1:00 PM:  This is where I go out and have my break.  Sometimes I go eat lunch outside (on warm days) or I study in the library if it's cold.  I usually bring a lunch from home, as I don't like to spend a lot of money to eat every day. 

1:00 - 5:00 PM: Depending on the day, I have classes during this time as well.  I sometimes find myself battling the urge to skip class.  During this period of the day I find myself getting tired and cranky.

Sometimes I have a night class, and if so, I really battle the urge to skip. 

In other news, I am moving to Manhattan soon, and I am really excited for that.  The rent is cheaper, but the place is much smaller (that's fine with me, this apartment is huge and I find myself overwhelmed in it sometimes). 

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