Saturday 8 September 2012

Becoming a Foreign Services Officer and Budgeting

I am thinking that it would be interesting to become a foreign services officer.  It seems like a challenging job, but I think that it would be good for someone with a law degree to go after.  I don't know much about it, but am thinking about researching the position.

As many of my readers know, I have considered military as well and I think (hope) that my law experience may help me out here. 

Now, on to "life". 

I should probably state that I am going to be starting an internship on Monday.  I am a bit nervous, but here is to hoping that I do well.  I realize that this is my last year now and I really got to buckle down and try to get all the experience I can get.  Further, I have heard others talk about this internship, which is part of a clinical thing at my school, pretty positively.  One person said she knew enough from it to open her own firm!  Can you imagine that?  Well, it must be at least pretty good if she is confident enough to hang up a shingle from just a semester's work in a clinic! 

Either way, this is one of my last chances to get some much needed experience while in law school.  I am also considering working for actual money next semester, in law or out of law.  I am somewhat scared of what to do after law school.  I am also excited though.  I want to be making some actual money.  I have lived off of student loans and student debt for far too long!  Now it's time to actually start earning some money from a real full time job!

I should probably state that I am currently living off around $11,000 a semester, and paying $1300 a month rent, so it's kind of tight.  Add to that a bus pass to get to school and back each month ($105) and food.  Actually, I am going to show you all my budget right now, just to show everyone how tight it is.

Six Months..... $11000
Rent (6 months)....$7800
Utilities.... varies
Bus pass (6 months) $630
Food.... ($150/month, guessing $5/day)...$900ish
Total... $9330 (not including utilities or non-food necessities)

As you can see, after all that I don't have a lot of money left for "fun".  I don't do much other than study and do free things (not really fond of spending a lot of money) and I am thinking about getting a cheaper place (this place has become too pricy, I thought I could do a roommate but that isn't going to work here I have found out). 

So, I figure that working and getting $ome $ide money will help me out a bit. 

I should state that last semester I was able to save about $1000 to invest/put in savings, so that was pretty good.  As you can see, I'm not a big spender outside of the "needed" stuff.  I am really crossing my fingers that I can get a place in Harlem or something that's cheaper ($950ish a month would be hella kosher). 

Now it's time to go look up some information about becoming a FSO! 

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