Saturday 8 December 2012

A Hoax, A Death, and an Archaic Tradition.

I recently heard from a source that the nurse who was assisting the dutchess in England killed herself due to a hoax.  Crazy huh?  Crazy and very, very sad.   And very stupid, on the part of humanity as a whole.  The culture that perpetuates this myth, this HOAX OF HOAXES that someone can truly be better than another by virtue of birth, should be ashamed of itself.  Shame, shame, a thousand shames!

Why did she do herself in though?  Because she told the status of a person who the world seems to (stupidly) think is 'larger than life'?  Are you serious?  So, let me get this straight.  She ended her life because she told a radio DJ the condition of another human being?  Or did she kill herself because she told a radio DJ the condition of a person who is somehow, by marriage to a person that is by birth, greater than you and me? 

I think the idea of royalty is archiac.  To be honest, it's quite amazing that such a thing is still perpetuated.  Given a status by virtue of birth is stupid, pure and simple.  To say that someone's time on this Earth, their status, can be determined by birth, is disgusting to me. 

What if the nurse had been duped into telling the condition of a regular patient?  Would have she felt compelled to end her life?  It's sad, tragic, and horrible that she felt the need to end her life as a result of giving information that was probably, in whole, not a big deal.  So what, the population learned the condition of a person?  Why should have she been compelled to end her life?  Why should people feel the need to put someone on a pedestal as a result of their standing, which was determined by a person's birth (the prince who was born a prince).

I relate this story to the story of my brother in law.  I mentioned him before on this blog.  He exists, in this life, a businessman.  Had he been born from a father who did not start a trucking company, he would not be in his lofty position.  Yet, he is in the position, and he acts as if he is the smartest man alive as a result of his birth.  As if he created the business.  In reality, if he was not born into wealth, he would probably be in jail right now. 

So, I leave this rather disjointed entry asking: "why should a person be more respected than another person just by virtue of birth?"  And, what's the point of obsessing over another human being when you have only one life of your own to live?  Why is there so much adoration for people that, had they not been born in their position, are just the same as you and me?

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