Thursday 27 December 2012

I'm Thankful for Everything

I knew that some would be angry with my last post.  That being said, sometimes the right move is not the most popular move.  I felt, no wait, KNEW that I was going down the wrong path when I started to read the negative comments that were on my blog regarding marriage.  However, it was not just about marriage, it was everything over a long time.  I saw some people literally destroying their lives and tearing themselves apart and blaming it all on law school.  I don't want to become that.  I have seen some people literally stop living because they have this idea in their head that life is over because they have a law degree.  They won't even try to have a good life because of this fantasy that is in their head.  They honestly think that the law degree made life stop.  It's one thing to be angry at law school for charging too much, I get that.  It's also one thing to be angry at law schools for not telling students the realities of the profession.  I get that too.  What I do not get, nor will ever get is how a law degree becomes an excuse to literally stop living life and becoming a negative, hateful and cynical individual.  I mean, some of these people are parents, others have families that love them, others have chances to do well, and by well I don't necessarily mean having money.  Instead of seeing that though, some of these people only see failure.  They let it eat at them and it destroys their life.  Law school is NOT an excuse to stop living.

For those of you who are parents, you have to ask yourselves what you are giving your children by looking at the world in the way you do.  For those of you who are married, what are you giving your spouses when you spend Christmas on the internet on law school forums and blogs?  For those of you who have goals and hobbies, what are you doing to better those goals and hobbies by wasting, yes WASTING your life on the internet reading Campos and other blogs, commenting and arguing amongst each other?  I get that people are angry.  I was sad when I found out that I had a much smaller chance of getting a legal job than I thought I did when I started.  But that would never be a reason for me to stop living my life.  That would never be a reason for me to stop trying.

If a person does not get married to someone they love because a few people on the internet say not to, then they are perhaps making a grave error (one thing I have learned is to be wary of trusting those who lurk on the internet).  I would say that many of the people who have let law school destroy their lives should not get married.  I only foresee divorce in that instance.  Why?  Because, what is the point being married to a person who is self-destructive?  There is very little chance of a marriage like that lasting.  There is even a smaller chance of such a marriage being a happy one.  If you are one of the people who curses your life and curses law school because it rained down havoc on your life, please do whoever you were thinking about marrying a favor and don't do it. 

Maybe, however, you do think that going to law school was a bad choice, a bad investment, and move on with your life.  Maybe you are a bit angry about it, but you are not going to sit around and ignore your family and post hateful things about school and attack others and tell other people to stop living life.  Maybe you understand that life is full of variables and there are other opportunities ahead for you?  If this is you, then I can see eye to eye with that.  Then I would say, get married.  How some of these people even got into law school is a mystery to me.  Honestly, if there is one thing that the scamblogs are right about, it's that law schools need to be more selective and filter these people out.  They do not belong in law school.  They do not belong in the higher echelons of society.  No way.  No how.

I am thankful for everything I have been given.  To say otherwise would be spitting in God's face.  I know that many people here are not religious, but as a person who is, I will say that I have been provided a lot, and even if I don't get a job, I got that which I asked for.  I have met a great person, I have come to terms with the fact that life is mysterious often and that things may not always go as I thought they would.  I also realize that I am in charge of my own destiny, and by giving up or complaining, I will only find myself stagnating and destroying my own self. 

I have spent these last few years in college living in places I never thought I would live in.  College has allowed me to live in and visit some of the finest places.  It has allowed me to open my mind and see the world far far differently than my family and many of my friends who did not go to college.  I know a vast amount of information that many people can't even comprehend.  Before I started school I was unsure of my abilities and did not like myself very much.  I thought I was a loser and somewhat stupid.  College made me realize that I loved to learn and to seek out knowledge.  It helped me to meet others and the loans paid off my rent while I learned.  The loans even helped me travel.  I visited some amazing places.  I mentioned here that I went to Thailand for a couple of months.  I also traveled to Europe.  My family has never left the Western US.  I have visited places that many people dream of. 

Yes, now I owe a lot of money due to the fact that college allowed me to do all this.  However, I am thankful for the fact that I can pay it off at a rate of 15% of my paycheck.  If I get a job in a nonprofit, it will be for 10 years.  If not, 30.  That's not a huge price to pay.  College also taught me to be very frugal.  I did not feel the need to dress to impress, live in the finest apartments, or to eat out every night.  I taught myself to cook, to shop for inexpensive things, to make things myself.  Due to inspiration from some of my professors, I earned money selling things on the side.  College provided me with a work study that helped me fund my undergrad.  To turn around and say that everything about college was bad would be asinine.  For me, it was a great experience, and when I reflect on it, I am very glad I went.  Yes, it's going to be hard to pay back the money.  It will not break me though.  I will continue to remind myself all that college gave me.  I didn't go to college just to make a lot of money in the future.  I went to make myself into a better person, as cliche as that may sound.  Not only did I learn how to make money on my own, I also learned how to not throw it around.  Even though I traveled during college, I traveled cheaply. 

In the end, we all die.  How do I not know that I may die tomorrow, or in a couple of years?  We don't know when our lives will end.  Why lament my future when I may have lived almost the entire life that has been given to me?  Why curse law school when I can spend the rest of my days enjoying that which I do have?

I know beyond a doubt that I will not let law school destroy me.  I will not become like those who gave their futures up because they did not get their own way.  No.  That is such a waste of a life.  It would honestly be better that those people were never born.  I can't help but pity some of those people who honestly have fooled themselves into believing that they can no longer live a happy life.  In fact, when I think about it, it's no more than an adult temper tantrum on the internet.  And that's pathetic to me.

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