Friday 28 December 2012

Why I do not want to be associated with the scamblogs any longer.

Why I don't want to be a part of this "movement" any longer.  Take from it what you will.

1.  The scamblog movement is a Godless movement.

First, and foremost, this movement is a Godless movement.  I can tell that by the way people think and act.  There is no mention of the gifts that God has given us.  Instead, the only mention of life is how horrible it is for those people who seem to be hanging on to this idea that life is worthless if it is not perfect.  The movement reminds me of the whole emo subculture, but on a grander scale.  I have always believed that I should be thankful for each day that God has given me.  Looking back on my life, it has been overall wonderful.  God has given me so much and I know that law school won't end that.  To think in such a way is not only spitting in God's face, but it's stupid.  Plain and simple.  I don't see how any true Christian could run such a scamblog.  I know this argument won't hold much weight with those who are obsessed with destroying their own lives via the scamblogs, but to me, it's a very important factor in while I am leaving this Godless movement behind.  And I must say, I have not been this happy in a long time.

2.  It is self-destructive.

This goes along with point one.  No movement that is of God would be self destructive.  This movement is the most self destructive one that I have ever seen.  I say "movement" losely.  I should not even call it that, it's co-ruminating.  It's a group of people who failed helping each other feel better about doing nothing with their lives.  It is therapy that does nothing in the end.  It's a way to let life pass by while people sit on the internet doing nothing but complaining about life.  Instead of going out and making opportunities for themselves, the scambloggers would rather whine and complain about how they didn't get anything out of their law school studies.  Instead of waking up and moving forward, they stagnate and let their lives pass by while they whine whine whine.  There is nothing adult about whining all the time.  This proves to me that some people are 100% correct when they call these people entitled.  They act like the world should be handed to them, and if it isn't, there is a temper tantrum to be thrown.  In the end only they lose.  Death will come to them and they will be forgotten.  It's a just end, in my opinion.

3.  There is nothing to be gained from the movement.

What will be gained from this silly co-rumination?  Will the law schools all close down?  A few may, but it's inevitable that some will eventually, scamblogs or none.  Economics states when there are too many players in the market, some have to leave the market eventually.  There are too many law schools and some will close eventually.  Not because of whiny scamblogs, but because of supply and demand.  I am starting to honestly wonder how much these kids paid attention in college.  In fact, I am starting to think that they were too busy partying instead of learning.  And now they are complaining about it. 

4.  Law, as a profession, will not die as long as there are laws.  Laws will exist far longer than any of us will.

For the scambloggers to say that the law profession is dying is ludicrous.  This is one of the stupidest statements that comes from a "movement" made up of stupid statements.  Laws will be around all of our lives.  Law has existed since the beginning of civilization.  Maybe one day, far far in the future, there will be no need for law.  That won't be caused by scamblogs though.  Until law dies, there will be a need for lawyers. 

Having worked in a legal clinic this semester, I have seen people volunteer in order to get a job.  My boss stated that most everyone finds paying work after 6 months or so of volunteering at his office.  However, scambloggers really come across to me as being lazy entitled individuals who would rather have something handed to them.  Many have not even passed the bar.  One in particular who is louder than most proudly proclaims he didn't even try.  Instead he states that law school is a scam based on no real experience of his own.  Just because he cusses a lot and posts pictures of poop he gets a lot of attention.  If he acted more like an adult, the children would probably not take notice. 

It is one thing to listen to bloggers who took the bar and tried, but many were not committed to passing.  Again, one can not believe everything they read on the internet.  Many claim they "tried very hard," but I find this to be a lie.  Many who I have met who have tried "really hard" did find something.  Many work outside of law and are very happy with their jobs.  They don't make a lot, but life is a lot more than making money.  Further, it is one thing to say law school was a failed investment, it's another thing to waste your life online whining about it.  That's what these people do.  That's why this movement is nil to me.

5.  It's literally a wasted existence.

When I think of a wasted existence, I think of some of the scambloggers.  These people hate themselves and their lives so much that they are willing to spend it all complaining about being alive.  They have nothing in which they can be happy about, instead blaming everything that is bad on external forces.  They refuse to take responsibility and instead lament everything that happened to them since reaching adulthood.  Many live at home, and it is somewhat fitting that they have not truly grown up.  Many will not even try to move on with their lives because it is easier for them to stay at home and whine on the internet than to lift a finger.  In the end it's not the law schools that suffer, it's them.  Death will come and when one looks back on their life on their death bed, what do they see?  An entirely wasted wretched life.  A wasted existence. 

6.  It's depressing.

The longer I was posting about how I was going to be a failure, the worse I felt about myself.  Scamblogs are depressing to read.  I felt like trash every time I read them.  Many scambloggers must be sado-masochists, because there is no way you can feel good about yourself and your life after reading this stuff.  Scamblogs are full of tales of those who made it by not going to law school or those who were able to have a good life based on not starting college.  What about those who did well out of law school?  At least half end up doing well by monetary standards.  Money isn't everything, but the scambloggers have sold their souls for their love of money.  That's truly sad, because they are missing out on life.  If you want to end your depression you have to stop reading the filth that these blogs proclaim.

7.  Scambloggers are, in large, the laughing stock of society.  

Scamblogs are a very small and very vocal minority.  They have been featured in newspapers, but only because people like to read depressing statistics.  It is not healthy.  Those who are successful literally laugh at these blogs.  Most law students and graduates know that scamblogs are the trash of the internet.  Many have said I have no future.  They were right, when I read scamblogs I did not have a future.  Ever since I stopped reading Campo's hypocritical blog, I have felt good about my life.  Ever since JDPainter took down his blog, I felt that my life was moving on up.  Since I gave up spending time on Nando's blog, I found that I was no longer unsure of myself.  So what if I end up in "business and industry?"  I can make my own business.  The sky is the limit for me.  I have faith in myself, something that those who read scamblogs have lost.  Instead it's just a whining convention.

8.  I want to give my wife a good life.

Nobody should have a scamblog and be married to someone or have children.  To do so is to take so much away from those who you love.  I cringe over the fact that Nando has a child and runs that blog of his.  What kind of life is that for his wife and child?  How do they feel when he gets done writing an article.  Does he scream at his wife and call her a cockroach if she upsets him?  Does he talk to his child like he's the Colonel? 

Of course a scamblogger can't have a marriage that works.  Of course that kind of marriage would not be successful.  Most of these people still live at home or have had zero experience as an adult.  They are too busy basing life on what it's like to live with their parents.  They are all take and no give.  I can't even imagine being friends with these people.  How could I be married to one?  If you are reading this and you are married to one of these individuals, you should run away as fast as you can.  It is no surprise that many of my comments were from those who had failed marriages.  Scambloggers have failed everything in life.  Of course their marriages would end up in failure too!

9.  I know that with my outlook on life, I can never fall as hard as those who knew failure was imminent.

I am positive, and that is going to help me a lot.  It has been scientifically proven that those who think positive are far better off than those who are negative all the time.  Scambloggers are the most negative lot of people in the world.  They know that they will never succeed.  There is an excuse for everything.  The amount of cussing and profanity about others who did well is proof of that.  Their hatred for deans and professors and those who succeeded only shows intense jealousy.  They can't stand to leave the computer because they may see someone who is more successful than them.  They can't leave the country because they are terrified.  Anywhere outside of mother's house is scary to many of these people.  I am glad I don't think this way.  I am glad I left home over ten years ago.  I have done a lot of growing up since then.  You can't be an adult when you depend on everyone else to live your life for you.  You can't be adult when you are blaming the world for your failures. 

Where many of the scambloggers would be if it wasn't for their parents.
10.  I don't want to end up like the other bloggers. 

Ending up like some of these people is one of the scariest ideas in the world to me.  This is the biggest reason I left this "movement" behind.  When I used to read Campo's blog I would see people with so much hate tearing themselves and their schools apart.  They had nothing to be proud of.  These people expected prestige, and for what?  These people are not the kind that are deserving of any prestige.  They are the kind that one expects to find living under a bridge or in the sewers.  If it was not for their parents taking them in and coddling them through life, they would be homeless bums.  These people have it so good and yet complain over and over again.  Talk about entitled.

11.  There are jobs out there.  Even for those with JDs.

I have a brother with no education who can continuously find job after job that pays him decent money.  Although he has no loans, even if he did, after paying 15% he would still have plenty left over.  I have seen many people with JDs who have found success.  Many ex-scambloggers have left the movement after finding a job.  They realized that their blogs were just a lie and a waste of time.  The excuse that "a JD is a scarlet letter" is only an excuse to stop trying.  Many people think that sending out resumes blindly is the only way to find a job.  They do not want to work and fill out a good application package or pound the pavement for a job.  They don't want to talk to people.  Again, they are TERRIFIED OF LEAVING THEIR HOMES.  Why leave the safety of the internet and all your scamblogging friends behind? 

12.  Money is not the sole reason for my existence.

I have lived on food stamps at one time.  No matter what JDpainter says, I don't care what o'Hannity Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter thinks of that.  My life is mine alone.  I realize that welfare is a safety net that exists to help a person climb out of poverty.  I am not the kind that would become dependent on it and complacent with life.  I can't imagine caring about what people on the radio think of me.  There's a reason I don't listen to that stuff.  It's all garbage, like these blogs. 

I have found that I could live well off a small amount of money.  I have lived decently in Manhattan off of $25,000 last year and have zero credit card or non-educational debt.  I even traveled a couple of times in the last year.  It's called being frugal and learning how to make your own things.  That idea is absurd to scambloggers who have no grasp of money.  A fool and his money is soon parted they say, and that's why scambloggers have so very little of it.
13.  I have options. 

Life is full of options.  I may move to Thailand one day and live cheaply there.  I may start my own non-profit or business.  I see life as being full of opportunities to make money and to better myself.  That's one thing I have learned in the years living away from home.  I learned what it was like to live in poverty and I learned a lot of lessons about how to save money and still be happy.  I learned that I would be happy in a variety of places.  When scambloggers tell me what my future is going to be like, I realize they have no clue about who I am or where I have been.  They think that I'm just like them.  I am not.  I am far different. 

14.  I may die at any time.

Life ends unexpectedly.  We all eventually die.  We could die in 20 years or even tomorrow.  Why should I waste all day whining on the internet about my life?  Why not enjoy it for what it is?  So what you didn't get a job out of law school?  Is whining about it going to make it all better?  No, it won't.  Stop co-ruminating and do something with your life.  Grow the hell up and be an adult.  You are not going to impress anyone by whining like an entitled little child.

15.  Life is what you make of it.

In the end life is what you make of it.  You have to realize this and start making your life worth living.  Most of the scambloggers only have one direction in which they can move.  And that's up.  Some of you are going to have to plan and take action.  Many of you are used to not getting anything done.  Some of you want to write a book.  Then write it.  That should not stop you in a world where it's so easy to get published.  I have sold some of my own books and made a decent amount of money in the last few months.  It's not that hard.  Yet you let your skills go to waste while you complain about life.  That's a shame.  You're not hurting the law schools -- you're only hurting yourselves. 

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