Wednesday 26 December 2012

Are the Scamblogs Wrong?

Lately I have been giving it a lot of thought.  Some of my recent comments have been disheartening about marriage.  Not the fact that I should not get married, or that I am maybe not ready, but the comments having to do with one should not even bother getting married.  The way some people think only hurts themselves.  To give up on life because you did not get a job after law school or because you are afraid of not getting a job after law school is quite stupid.  I must say, after reading some of the comments to my previous posts on marriage I am starting to question the ways of thinking among some of the people who read these scamblogs.  I am almost starting to think that some of these people are self-sabotaging individuals who may have not have succeeded no matter what because they were perhaps afraid of success, or never expected themselves to get ahead in life.

What is the point of not doing something you long to do?  What is the point of not even trying in life?  Honestly, you might as well be dead, because that is not living.  To say one is not a special snowflake is one thing, but to damn yourself to a life of suffering in order to prove a point is another. 

I used to go to the Craigslist frugal forum.  It was full of people who tried to live as cheaply as possible by dumpster diving and not using heat.  Some people would talk about lighting a candle instead of turning on the heater in the winter.  They would sit in front of the candle and just let it burn and feel the warmth.  These people talk about it every year, how they save money on heating by lighting a candle.  They spend the whole winter cold to save a few bucks.  What's the point on saving money if you are suffering through life?  What are you saving it for? 

What is the point in not getting married or not trying in life because you did not get a job after law school?  What is the point in feeling sorry for yourself over the internet year after year?  There has to honestly come a time when you get off the internet and start striving again.  I just can't get over the fact that law school has broken so many people.  I can't come up with any other conclusion than these people were very weak individuals.  Some seem to literally revel in their own self pity, wallowing in the perceived idea that they are pariahs.  Many act as if they have given up on life, instead of trying to do something else, they just say "I can't do anything with my degree."  Some come up with ideas on how one without a college education could get a job.  One individual was talking about what he would do if he was a pizza delivery person.  He stated that he would work late, get the good routes, buy a used car, keep it in good shape, and then deliver pizzas to the best hoods.  He would then put in some of that money he earned and buy partial ownership in a pizza restaurant.  Why can't this individual do that with his law degree?  What's holding him back?  Why do people come up with these "what if" ideas and never do anything with them? 

Is the law degree stopping people from getting a plumber's apprenticeship, another degree, a pizza delivery job, learning a skill, etc.?  If anything, many law graduates who are disgruntled say that they have a lot of time on their hands due to not having a job.  The amount of time that many spend on the internet only proves to me that they could spend their time bettering themselves and earning money in another way. 

More lately I removed Campos' blog from my list because I think he is a phoney.  I should have done it a long time ago.  Other people who I have talked to wonder why a professor who earns money as a result of this so-called "scam" would be running an anti-law school blog.  I have wondered if this is just because he can not publish a law review article and instead gets his fifteen minutes of fame by derailing the movement that is against everything he does.  In short, I believe his blog stands only for hypocrisy.  Why scambloggers, people who were intelligent enough to go to law school, can not see through it has always baffled me.  Look: this man is not going to give up his job in legal academia.  He will continue to be a part of the so-called "scam" and will continue to get press by his posts that claim that he is against it.  More on that in the future.

I am still young enough to realize that I have a lot of time in which I can shape my life.  Even if I did not get a legal job, something I am fully prepared for, I will not let that stop me from living.  I will continue to do my best to get the most out of life.  I will not settle for the idea that I would ruin a woman's life or that a woman would be unhappy with someone with student loan debt.  While many do not like IBR, the reality is that it is the resource that many can use while it is available.  It is not ideal, but why whine about it?  Further, I know that if I get a job in a non-profit or start my own, I can have my loans forgiven in 10 years.  Instead of saying "that will never happen" I will accept the possibility that it will.  Why should a person spend their days whining about what may or may not happen?  If you sit on your butt in front of the internet and whine about your life, nothing will happen.  I feel that is what the majority of the scamblogger movement is doing.  After reading some of the comments on recent posts that prove to me that people are acting this way, I am starting to realize that I do not want to live this way.  If I end up thinking like these people, what is the point of living?  Honestly, there is no point to life if you spend Christmas on a scam blog lamenting law school and your life.  That is a sick pathetic life that I will not live.  It's quite disgusting.  The whole thing seems disgusting to me.  And that's why I think that many of these blogs disappear after a while.  Other people let the movement destroy their mind slowly until they are incoherent and believe conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory.  They go mad, blaming every misfortune in their life on the scam blogs.  Misfortunes such as divorce, the lack of children, no job, bad health, and everything else under the sun.  This is not law school's fault.  This is largely your fault.  However, those who have given into the cult idea that law school is to blame for everything will continue to buy into the idea that this is wrong and they are right.  Many are too far gone.  They have traded their life, and their soul, for the idea that law school ruined their life. 

The reality is: you are destroying your own life.  You can stop at any time.  I am putting a stop to destroying my own life right now.

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