Friday 10 May 2013

A Special Snowflake Turns 30

I went to buy an overpriced cup of Charbucks and started talking to the "help", and let slip that in the past I went to law school. The Frappuccino-Artist could hear the regret in my voice and took offense, and insisted that I made the right decision. In fact, said the Master-Barista, he went to law school as well. I told him about this site and dared him to read it. He apparently did, and has now written to me in response.  I thought I should post his message to hear the "other side" of the story: some people do enjoy their time in law school. I interspersed it with parts of the sender's actual day-to-day job he holds four years after graduation, of various things I overheard him say during my visit to his workplace.


"My name is ____ [Redacted], and I object wholeheartedly to the message of this "site". Law School isn't for everybody, I admit, especially not for those who can't accept a challenge and adapt to circumstances. Myself, I just turned thirty years old and am happy in my career path, even if there have been some stones in the way that I have had to walk around.

Howdy, what'll it be today, folks? Exactly, Blonde Roast is our lightest. Me? I like dark roasts for this time of day. 

"As you can tell, I am typing this on my phone at work; multi-tasking is something that law school helped me learn, since it was a demanding course of study. You need to open your mind to make the most of it, I guess.
Macchiato is foam only; is that ok? 
"Just because your first job out of law school might have you wear a name tag doesn't mean you aren't building your career. You've got to start somewhere. Even Stan, our store manager, made it only after working here for five years. 
No Ma'am, a Caffè Latte is not the same as a Café au lait.
"I'm not a "special snowflake", so don't call me that disparaging term. I'm just a snowflake, like you, but different. I hope you and your friends will understand more that hard work does pay off, if you work hard enough.
Yes we can ice that Caramel Macchiato, and it is already sweetened. To go? Ok, $10.25 . . . yes, we accept AmEx.
"Remember, I hope if nothing else at least you learn that if half of law graduates don't get jobs, that still means that half do. If you only had a positive attitude, you would be putting that apron on and building your career instead of chatting online all day.

"Sincerely, [Redacted]."


This can be you too! Rage, rage, against the drying of the paint.

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