Friday 3 May 2013

Not gone: just lovin' life!

Dear legions of readers,

I am not gone.  I am just enjoying life.  Finals are upon me and I am studying like a banshee.  I am preparing for summer, my international trip, and for gearing up for the bar exam.  This is how law school is supposed to end.  Soon I will be back in the office, basically printing money.  I have also been busy with my other writings, my business, and feeling good about life.

Law school can help you attain your dreams.  Don't listen to those who say otherwise. 

Ask yourself:

If the big cheese of scamblogging can, as a result of law school, afford a three bedroom house and have found a job on the other side of the country, why can you not?  This individual makes enough money to pay $4000 at once on his loans.  Doesn't that tell you that law school is perhaps not a bad investment. 

Law school is, like any other investment, somewhat risky.  There will always be losers to every investment, that is life.  However, law school does not have the same amount of losers as other investments.  It's just that the 'losers' are a heck of a lot more vocal about it.  Why not though?  Law school does attract a certain loud type.  And I can not help but wonder if those who are loud and prone to fit throwing are the ones who are likely to fail.  Why do many of these people still live with mother and father, even thought they are pushing 30, 40, and 50 years old?  Does that not show you something about their adult coping skills.  Does that not show you something about why they failed to thrive in life?  It's not law school that failed them, it's something deep inside of them.

Are you planning to begin law school in 2014?  Then good luck to you!  Chances are, if you truly want to practice law and if you take it seriously, you will succeed.  

Those who succeed are those who:

Are independent, realizing that as adults they have to create and maintain their own lives.
Are willing to put the time in to do well.
Those who find jobs and internships during law school.
Those who treat others with respect.
Those who know who they are and what they want out of life.
Those who have real life experiences.
Those who do not go into law purely for the money.

Notice how the whiners state that they only went to law school to make money and throw a fit when they only land a $60,000 a year entry level job?  Do you notice how they whine when they get doc review that pays $30-40 an hour?  Why not volunteer and supplement your income with the doc review?  Why not create a strategy and implement it in your life. 

Oh yeah, you're waiting for your parents to do that for you...

Some of my critics sit in their three bedroom homes posting pictures of poo and commenting and complaining on the internet instead of spending time with their growing children.  And they wonder why they are so angry. 

It's your life.  Do not waste it.  Do what you dream of doing and NEVER let anyone else hold you back!

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